Source code for senzing.szconfig

#! /usr/bin/env python3

""" is the abstract class for all implementations of szconfig.

# TODO: Determine specific SzErrors, Errors for "Raises:" documentation.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from .szhelpers import construct_help

# Metadata

__all__ = ["SzConfig"]
__version__ = "0.0.1"  # See
__date__ = "2023-10-30"
__updated__ = "2023-11-08"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SzConfig
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class SzConfig(ABC):
    SzConfig is the definition of the Senzing Python SDK that is
    implemented by packages such as

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Interface definition
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def add_data_source(self, config_handle: int, data_source_code: str) -> str:
        The `add_data_source` method adds a data source to an existing in-memory configuration.

            config_handle (int): An identifier of an in-memory configuration. Usually created by the `create` or `load` methods.
            data_source_code (str): Name of data source code to add.

            str: A string containing a JSON document listing the newly created data source.

            TypeError: Incorrect datatype of input parameter.

        .. collapse:: Example:

            .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/szconfig/
                :language: python


            .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/szconfig/add_data_source.txt
                :language: json

    def close_config(self, config_handle: int) -> None:
        The `close_config` method cleans up the Senzing SzConfig object pointed to by the `config_handle`.

            config_handle (int): An identifier of an in-memory configuration. Usually created by the `create_config` or `import_config` methods.

            TypeError: Incorrect datatype of input parameter.

        .. collapse:: Example:

            .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/szconfig/
                :language: python

    def create_config(self) -> int:
        The `create_config` method creates an in-memory Senzing configuration
        from the `g2config.json` template configuration file located
        in the PIPELINE.RESOURCEPATH path.
        A handle is returned to identify the in-memory configuration.
        The handle is used by the `add_data_source`, `list_data_sources`,
        `delete_data_source`, and `export_config` methods.
        The handle is terminated by the `close_config` method.

            int: A pointer to an in-memory Senzing configuration.

            TypeError: Incorrect datatype of input parameter.

        .. collapse:: Example:

            .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/szconfig/
                :language: python

    def delete_data_source(self, config_handle: int, data_source_code: str) -> None:
        The `delete_data_source` method removes a data source from an existing in-memory configuration.

            config_handle (int): An identifier of an in-memory configuration. Usually created by the `create` or `load` methods.
            data_source_code (str): Name of data source code to delete.

            TypeError: Incorrect datatype of input parameter.

        .. collapse:: Example:

            .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/szconfig/
                :language: python

    def export_config(self, config_handle: int) -> str:
        The `export_config` method creates a JSON string representation of the Senzing SzConfig object.

            config_handle (int): An identifier of an in-memory configuration. Usually created by the `create` or `load` methods.

            str: A string containing a JSON Document representation of the Senzing SzConfig object.

            TypeError: Incorrect datatype of input parameter.

        .. collapse:: Example:

            .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/szconfig/
                :language: python


            .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/szconfig/export_config.txt
                :language: json

            **Create, export, import, and close example**

            .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/szconfig/
                :language: python

    def get_data_sources(self, config_handle: int) -> str:
        The `get_data_sources` method returns a JSON document of data sources
        contained in an in-memory configuration.

            config_handle (int): An identifier of an in-memory configuration. Usually created by the `create` or `load` methods.

            str: A string containing a JSON document listing all of the data sources.

            TypeError: Incorrect datatype of input parameter.

        .. collapse:: Example:

            .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/szconfig/
                :language: python


            .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/szconfig/get_data_sources.txt
                :language: json

    def import_config(self, config_definition: str) -> int:
        The `import_config` method initializes an in-memory Senzing SzConfig object from a JSON string.
        A handle is returned to identify the in-memory configuration.
        The handle is used by the `add_data_source`, `get_data_sources`,
        `delete_data_source`, and `save` methods.
        The handle is terminated by the `close` method.

            config_definition (str): A JSON document containing the Senzing configuration.

            int: An identifier (config_handle) of an in-memory configuration.

            TypeError: Incorrect datatype of input parameter.

        .. collapse:: Example:

            .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/szconfig/
                :language: python

            **Create, save, load, and close**

            .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/szconfig/
                :language: python

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Convenience methods
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def help(self, method_name: str = "") -> str:
        Return the help for a particular message.

            method_name (str): The name of the method. (e.g. "init"). If empty, a list of methods and descriptions is returned.

            str: The Help information about the requested method
        return construct_help(self, method_name=method_name)