#! /usr/bin/env python3
DO NOT EDIT. This code is generated.
Generated by: sz-sdk-errors/bin/generate_python.py
Generated for: sz-sdk-python/src/senzing/szerror.py
Generated date: 2025-02-13T18:58:27.185575+00:00
# Metadata
__all__ = [
__version__ = "0.0.1" # See https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0396/
__date__ = "2023-10-30"
__updated__ = "2025-02-01"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Base SzError
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SzError(Exception):
"""Base exception for Sz related python code."""
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Category exceptions
# - These exceptions represent categories of actions that can be taken by
# the calling program.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SzGeneralError(SzError):
"""Errors that are not bad input, retryable, or unrecoverable."""
class SzRetryableError(SzError):
"""The program can provide a remedy and continue."""
class SzUnrecoverableError(SzError):
"""System failure, can't continue."""
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Detail exceptions for SzBadInputError
# - Processing did not complete.
# - These exceptions are "per record" exceptions.
# - The record should be recorded as "bad". (logged, queued as failure)
# - Processing may continue.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SzNotFoundError(SzBadInputError):
"""Not found"""
class SzUnknownDataSourceError(SzBadInputError):
"""Unknown DataSource"""
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Detail exceptions for SzGeneralError
# - Processing did not complete.
# - These exceptions are "per record" exceptions.
# - The record should be recorded as "bad". (logged, queued as failure)
# - Processing may continue.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SzConfigurationError(SzGeneralError):
"""The program can provide a remedy and continue."""
class SzReplaceConflictError(SzGeneralError):
"""The program can provide a remedy and continue."""
class SzSdkError(SzGeneralError):
"""An error discovered by the SDK, not the underlying C binary."""
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Detail exceptions for SzRetryableError
# - Processing did not complete.
# - These exceptions may be remedied programmatically.
# - The call to the Senzing method should be retried.
# - Processing may continue.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SzDatabaseConnectionLostError(SzRetryableError):
"""Database connection lost"""
class SzDatabaseTransientError(SzRetryableError):
"""Database connection lost"""
class SzRetryTimeoutExceededError(SzRetryableError):
"""Retry timeout exceeded time limit"""
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Detail exceptions for SzUnrecoverableError
# - Processing did not complete.
# - These exceptions cannot be remedied programmatically.
# - Processing cannot continue.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SzDatabaseError(SzUnrecoverableError):
"""Database exception"""
class SzLicenseError(SzUnrecoverableError):
"""License exception"""
class SzNotInitializedError(SzUnrecoverableError):
"""Not initialized"""
class SzUnhandledError(SzUnrecoverableError):
"""Could not handle exception"""
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Determine Exception based on Senzing reason code.
# Reference: https://senzing.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360026678133-Engine-Error-codes
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# fmt: off
2: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE "Invalid Message"
5: SzRetryableError, # EAS_ERR_EXCEEDED_MAX_RETRIES "Exceeded the Maximum Number of Retries Allowed"
7: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_EMPTY_MESSAGE "Empty Message"
10: SzRetryTimeoutExceededError, # EAS_ERR_RETRY_TIMEOUT "Retry timeout exceeded RES_ENT_ID locklist [{0}]"
14: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_DATASTORE_CONFIGURATION_TYPE "Invalid Datastore Configuration Type"
18: SzError, # EAS_ERR_COULD_NOT_INITIALIZE_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS "Could not initialize system parameters"
19: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_NO_CONFIGURATION_FOUND "Configuration not found"
20: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CONFIG_CANNOT_BE_NULL_DATABASE "Configuration cannot be loaded from database connection"
21: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CONFIG_CANNOT_BE_NULL_CONFIG_FILE "Configuration cannot be loaded from config file"
22: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_DOCTYPE "Invalid DocType {0}"
23: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_CONFLICTING_DATA_SOURCE_VALUES "Conflicting DATA_SOURCE values '{0}' and '{1}'"
24: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_CONFLICTING_RECORD_ID_VALUES "Conflicting RECORD_ID values '{0}' and '{1}'"
25: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_BULK_REQUEST "Invalid Bulk Request [{0}]"
26: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_RESERVED_WORD_USED_IN_DOCUMENT "Inbound data contains a reserved keyword '{0}'"
27: SzError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_VALUE_FOR_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTES "Invalid value for search-attributes"
28: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_JSON_CONFIG_DOCUMENT "Invalid JSON config document"
29: SzError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_VALUE_OF_MAX_ENTITIES "Invalid value of max entities '{0}'"
30: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_MATCH_LEVEL "Invalid match level '{0}'"
31: SzError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_VALUE_OF_MAX_DEGREE "Invalid value of max degree '{0}'"
32: SzError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_VALUE_OF_BUILDOUT_DEGREE "Invalid value of build out degree '{0}'"
33: SzNotFoundError, # EAS_ERR_UNKNOWN_DSRC_RECORD_ID "Unknown record: dsrc[{0}], record[{1}]"
34: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ENTITY_FTYPE_MISSING "AMBIGUOUS_ENTITY Feature Type is not configured"
35: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_TIER_FELEM_MISSING "AMBIGUOUS_TIER Feature Element is not configured"
36: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_FTYPE_ID_FELEM_MISSING "AMBIGUOUS_FTYPE_ID Feature Element is not configured"
37: SzNotFoundError, # EAS_ERR_UNKNOWN_RESOLVED_ENTITY_VALUE "Unknown resolved entity value '{0}'"
38: SzError, # EAS_ERR_RECORD_HAS_NO_RESOLVED_ENTITY "Data source record has no resolved entity: dsrc[{0}], recordID[{1}]"
39: SzError, # EAS_ERR_NO_OBSERVED_ENTITY_FOR_DSRC_ENTITY_KEY "No observed entity for entity key: dsrc[{0}], record_id[{1}], key[{2}]"
40: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CONFIG_COMPATIBILITY_MISMATCH "The engine configuration compatibility version [{0}] does not match the version of the provided config[{1}]."
41: SzError, # EAS_ERR_DOCUMENT_PREPROCESSING_FAILED "Document preprocessing failed"
42: SzError, # EAS_ERR_DOCUMENT_LOAD_PROCESSING_FAILED "Document load processing failed"
43: SzError, # EAS_ERR_DOCUMENT_ER_PROCESSING_FAILED "Document ER processing failed"
44: SzError, # EAS_ERR_CHECK_ENTITY_PROCESSING_FAILED "Check entity processing failed"
45: SzError, # EAS_ERR_INPUT_PROCEDURE_PROCESSING_FAILED "Input procedure processing failed"
46: SzError, # EAS_ERR_DOCUMENT_HASHING_PROCESSING_FAILED "Document hashing-processing failed"
47: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SESSION_IS_INVALID "Session is invalid"
48: SzNotInitializedError, # EAS_ERR_G2_NOT_INITIALIZED "G2 is not initialized"
50: SzNotInitializedError, # EAS_ERR_G2HASHER_NOT_INITIALIZED "G2Hasher is not initialized"
51: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_BOTH_RECORD_ID_AND_ENT_SRC_KEY_SPECIFIED "Cannot use both Record ID and Entity Source Key in record"
52: SzError, # EAS_ERR_UNKNOWN_RELATIONSHIP_ID_VALUE "Unknown relationship ID value '{0}'"
53: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_G2DIAGNOSTIC_NOT_INITIALIZED "G2Diagnostic is not initialized"
54: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_G2_DATA_REPOSITORY_WAS_PURGED "Data repository was purged"
55: SzError, # EAS_ERR_NO_RESOLVED_ENTITY_FOR_DSRC_ENTITY_KEY "No resolved entity for entity key: dsrc[{0}], record_id[{1}], key[{2}]"
56: SzError, # EAS_ERR_NO_RECORDS_EXIST_FOR_RESOLVED_ENTITY "No data source records exist for entity ID: entityID[{0}]"
57: SzError, # EAS_ERR_UNKNOWN_FEATURE_ID_VALUE "Unknown feature ID value '{0}'"
58: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE "G2 initialization process has failed"
60: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CONFIG_DATABASE_MISMATCH "The engine configuration does not match the records loaded into the repository: errors[{0}]."
62: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_TYPE_FELEM_MISSING "AMBIGUOUS_TYPE Feature Element is not configured"
63: SzNotInitializedError, # EAS_ERR_G2CONFIGMGR_NOT_INITIALIZED "G2ConfigMgr is not initialized"
64: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CONFUSED_ENTITY_FTYPE_MISSING "CONFUSED_ENTITY Feature Type is not configured"
66: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_UNKNOWN_GENERIC_PLAN_VALUE "Unknown generic plan value '{0}'"
67: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_GENERIC_PLAN_VALUE "Invalid Generic Plan ID [{0}] configured for the '{1}' retention level.'"
68: SzError, # EAS_ERR_UNKNOWN_ER_RESULT "Unknown ER-result."
69: SzError, # EAS_ERR_NO_CANDIDATES "No candidates."
76: SzError, # EAS_ERR_INBOUND_FEATURE_VERSION_NEWER_THAN_CONFIG "Inbound Feature Version [{0}] is newer than configured version [{1}] for feature type[{2}]."
77: SzError, # EAS_ERR_ERROR_WHEN_PRIMING_GNR "Error when priming GNR resources '{0}'"
78: SzError, # EAS_ERR_ERROR_WHEN_ENCRYPTING "Error when encrypting '{0}'"
79: SzError, # EAS_ERR_ERROR_WHEN_DECRYPTING "Error when decrypting '{0}'"
80: SzError, # EAS_ERR_ERROR_WHEN_VALIDATING_ENCRYPTION_SIGNATURE_COMPATIBILITY "Error when validating encryption signature compatibility '{0}'"
81: SzError, # EAS_ERR_ERROR_WHEN_CHECKING_DISTINCT_FEATURE_GENERALIZATION "Error when checking distinct feature generalization '{0}'"
82: SzError, # EAS_ERR_ERROR_WHEN_RUNNING_DQM "Error when running DQM '{0}'"
83: SzError, # EAS_ERR_ERROR_WHEN_CREATING_EFEATS "Error when creating EFEATS '{0}'"
84: SzError, # EAS_ERR_ERROR_WHEN_SIMPLE_SCORING "Error when simple scoring '{0}'"
85: SzError, # EAS_ERR_ERROR_WHEN_SCORING_PAIR "Error when scoring a pair '{0}'"
86: SzError, # EAS_ERR_ERROR_WHEN_SCORING_SET "Error when scoring a set '{0}'"
87: SzUnhandledError, # EAS_ERR_SRD_EXCEPTION "SRD Exception '{0}'"
88: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_UNKNOWN_SEARCH_PROFILE_VALUE "Unknown search profile value '{0}'"
89: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_MISCONFIGURED_SEARCH_PROFILE_VALUE "Misconfigured search profile value '{0}'"
90: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CANNOT_ADD_LIBRARY_FEATURES_TO_DATASTORE "Cannot add library features to datastore: '{0}'"
91: SzError, # EAS_ERR_TRUSTED_ID_FTYPE_MISSING "TRUSTED_ID Feature Type is not configured"
92: SzError, # EAS_ERR_RECORD_TYPE_FTYPE_MISSING "RECORD_TYPE Feature Type is not configured"
93: SzError, # EAS_ERR_CONFUSED_ENTTIY_FELEM_MISSING "YESNO_FLAG Feature Element is not configured"
94: SzError, # EAS_ERR_DOMAIN_NAME_FELEM_MISSING "DOMAIN_NAME Feature Element is not configured"
999: SzLicenseError, # EAS_ERR_LICENSE_HAS_EXPIRED "License has expired"
1000: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_UNHANDLED_DATABASE_ERROR "Unhandled Database Error '{0}'"
1001: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_CRITICAL_DATABASE_ERROR "Critical Database Error '{0}'"
1002: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_DATABASE_MEMORY_ERROR "Database Memory Error '{0}'"
1003: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_TABLE_SPACE_OR_LOG_VIOLATION "Table Space or Log Violation '{0}'"
1004: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_RESOURCE_CONTENTION "Resource Contention '{0}'"
1005: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_USER_DEFINED_PROC_ERROR "User Defined Procedure or Function Error '{0}'"
1006: SzDatabaseConnectionLostError, # EAS_ERR_DATABASE_CONNECTION_FAILURE "Database Connection Failure '{0}'"
1007: SzDatabaseConnectionLostError, # EAS_ERR_DATABASE_CONNECTION_LOST "Database Connection Lost '{0}'"
1008: SzDatabaseTransientError, # EAS_ERR_DEADLOCK_ERROR "Deadlock Error '{0}'"
1009: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS "Insufficient Permissions '{0}'"
1010: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_TRANSACTION_ERROR "Transaction Error '{0}'"
1011: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION "Unique Constraint Violation '{0}'"
1012: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION "Constraint Violation '{0}'"
1013: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_SYNTAX_ERROR "Syntax Error '{0}'"
1014: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_CURSOR_ERROR "Cursor Error '{0}'"
1015: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_DATATYPE_ERROR "Data Type Error '{0}'"
1016: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_TRANSACTION_ABORTED_ERROR "Transaction Aborted '{0}'"
1017: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_DATABASE_OPERATOR_NOT_SET "Database operator not set '{0}'"
1018: SzDatabaseError, # EAS_ERR_DATABASE_EXCEPTION_GENERATOR_NOT_SET "Database exception generator not set '{0}'"
1019: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DATABASE_SCHEMA_TABLES_NOT_FOUND "Datastore schema tables not found. [{0}]"
2001: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FEATURE_HAS_NO_FTYPE_CODE "Cannot process feature with no FTYPE_CODE[{0}]"
2002: SzError, # EAS_ERR_REQUESTED_CONFIG_FOR_INVALID_FTYPE_CODE "Requested config for invalid FTYPE_CODE[{0}]"
2003: SzError, # EAS_ERR_NO_FELEM_CODE "Cannot process OBS_FELEM with no FELEM_CODE[{0}]"
2005: SzError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_FELEM_CODE "FELEM_CODE[{0}] is not configured for FTYPE_CODE[{1}]"
2007: SzError, # EAS_ERR_MISSING_OBS_SRC_KEY "OBS is missing OBS_SRC_KEY"
2009: SzError, # EAS_ERR_NO_OBS_ENT_FOR_ENT_SRC_KEY "No OBS_ENT found for ENT_SRC_KEY[{0}]"
2010: SzError, # EAS_ERR_ENT_SRC_KEY_CHANGED "Expected ENT_SRC_KEY [{0}] changed to [{1}]"
2012: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ERRULE_CONFIGURED_FOR_RESOLVE_AND_RELATE "ER Rule [{0}] is configured for both resolve and relate."
2015: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_FTYPE_CODE "Invalid FTYPE_CODE[{0}]"
2027: SzError, # EAS_ERR_PLUGIN_INIT "Plugin initialization error {0}"
2029: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_REQUESTED_CONFIG_FOR_INVALID_PLUGIN "Configuration not found for plugin type: {0}"
2034: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_CFRTN_VAL "CFRTN_ID[{0}]/FTYPE[{1}] is expecting CFRTN_VAL[{2}] which is not offered by CFUNC_ID[{3}][{4}]. Available scores are [{5}]"
2036: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FTYPE_HAS_NO_BOM "FType configured with no Feature Elements (Bill of Materials) FTYPE_ID[{0}] FTYPE_CODE[{1}]"
2037: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FUNC_CALL_HAS_NO_BOM "Function call ({3}) configured with no Bill of Materials {4}[{0}] FTYPE_ID[{1}] FTYPE_CODE[{2}]"
2038: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DISTINCT_FEATURE_HAS_NO_BOM "Distinct feature call configured with no Bill of Materials DFCALL_ID[{0}]"
2041: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_EFCALL_HAS_NO_BOM "EFeature creation call configured with no Bill of Materials EFCALL_ID[{0}]"
2045: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CFRTN_REFERS_BAD_CFUNC_ID "CFG_CFRTN references CFUNC_ID[{0}] which is not configured"
2047: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_MISSING_DSRC_CODE "Observation is missing DSRC_CODE tag which is required"
2048: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FEAT_FREQ_INVALID "FEATURE CODE[{0}] FEATURE FREQUENCY[{1}] is an invalid frequency"
2049: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FUNC_INVALID "{2} [{0}] is invalid for {3}[{1}]"
2050: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_QUAL_FRAG_NOT_FOUND "Rule[{0}] Qualifier Fragment[{1}]: Fragment not found"
2051: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DISQUAL_FRAG_NOT_FOUND "Rule[{0}] Disqualifier Fragment[{1}]: Fragment not found"
2057: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_BAD_DSRC_ACTION "Observation has DSRC_ACTION[{0}] which is invalid. Valid values are [A]dd, [C]hange, [D]elete or E[X]tensive Evaluation"
2061: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DUPLICATE_LOOKUP_IDENTIFIER "Duplicate [{0}] with identifier value [{1}]. Only unique values are allowed."
2062: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_LOOKUP_IDENTIFIER "Requested lookup of [{0}] using unknown value [{1}]. Value not found."
2065: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FTYPE_HAS_MULTIPLE_DEFINITIONS "FType configured with multiple definitions. FTYPE_CODE[{0}] used in FTYPE_ID[{1}] and FTYPE_ID[{2}]"
2066: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FELEM_HAS_MULTIPLE_DEFINITIONS "FElem configured with multiple definitions. FELEM_CODE[{0}] used in FELEM_ID[{1}] and FELEM_ID[{2}]"
2067: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ERFRAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_DEFINITIONS "ER Fragment code configured with multiple definitions. ERFRAG_CODE[{0}] used in ERFRAG_ID[{1}] and ERFRAG_ID[{2}]"
2069: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_BOM_CONFIG_INVALID_FOR_SIMPLE_PLUGIN "Configured plugin for CFCALL_ID[{0}] requires exactly one value in BOM"
2070: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_EFCALL_HAS_INVALID_FUNCTION "EFeature creation call configured with invalid function ID EFCALL_ID[{0}] EFUNC_ID[{1}]"
2071: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_EFBOM_HAS_INVALID_EFCALL "EFeature BOM configured with invalid EFCALL_ID[{0}]"
2073: SzError, # EAS_ERR_LOADING_LIBRARY "Library loading error {0}"
2074: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SCORING_MANAGER_PLUGIN "Scoring manager: id {0} and {1} do not match"
2075: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_TABLE_CONFIGURED_WITH_INVALID_FTYPE_CODE "Table {0} configured with an invalid type FTYPE_CODE[{1}]"
2076: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_TABLE_CONFIGURED_WITH_INVALID_FELEM_CODE "Table {0} configured with an invalid type FELEM_CODE[{1}]"
2079: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_EFBOM_CONFIGURED_WITH_INVALID_FTYPE_ID "CFG_EFBOM configured with an invalid type FTYPE_ID[{0}]"
2080: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_EFBOM_CONFIGURED_WITH_INVALID_FELEM_ID "CFG_EFBOM configured with an invalid type FELEM_ID[{0}]"
2081: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FUNC_CALL_CONFIGURED_WITH_INVALID_FTYPE_ID "{1} configured with an invalid type FTYPE_ID[{0}]"
2082: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FUNC_CALL_CONFIGURED_WITH_INVALID_FUNC_ID "{1} configured with an invalid type {2}[{0}]"
2083: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FUNC_BOM_CONFIGURED_WITH_INVALID_FTYPE_ID "{1} configured with an invalid type FTYPE_ID[{0}]"
2084: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FUNC_BOM_CONFIGURED_WITH_INVALID_FELEM_ID "{1} configured with an invalid type FELEM_ID[{0}]"
2088: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_TABLE_CONFIGURED_WITH_INVALID_RCLASS_ID "Table {0} configured with an invalid RCLASS_ID[{1}]"
2089: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_UNKNOWN_FCLASS_ID "UNKNOWN FCLASS ID[{0}]"
2090: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SFCALL_HAS_INVALID_FUNCTION "Feature standardization call configured with invalid function ID SFCALL_ID[{0}] SFUNC_ID[{1}]"
2091: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_TABLE_CONFIGURED_WITH_BOTH_FTYPE_ID_AND_FELEM_ID "{0} configured with both an FTYPE_ID[{1}] and FELEM_ID[{2}]"
2092: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_TABLE_CONFIGURED_WITH_NEITHER_FTYPE_ID_NOR_FELEM_ID "{0} configured with neither an FTYPE_ID nor an FELEM_ID"
2093: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_TABLE_CONFIGURED_WITH_DUPLICATE_EXEC_ORDER_FOR_IDENTIFIER_LIST "Table [{0}] configured with duplicate execution order value [{3}] for identifiers[{1}] with values [{2}]"
2094: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DUPLICATE_VALUE_FOR_FIELD_IN_TABLE "Duplicate value [{2}] of field [{1}] in config [{0}]"
2095: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_TABLE_CONFIGURED_WITH_INVALID_FTYPE_CODE_FELEM_CODE_PAIR "Table {0} configured with an invalid FTYPE_CODE[{1}]/FELEM_CODE[{2}] pair"
2097: SzError, # EAS_ERR_DUPLICATE_VALUES_FOR_FIELDS_IN_TABLE "Duplicate values [{3}][{4}] of fields [{1}][{2}] in config [{0}]"
2099: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_COUNTER_CONFIG_INVALID_THRESHOLD "Next Threshold for a counter should be no less than 10, but has NEXT_THRESH{0}"
2101: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_XPATH_OP_UNSUPPORTED "XPath operation unsupported [{0}]"
2102: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_XPATH_AXIS_UNSUPPORTED "XPath axis unsupported [{0}]"
2103: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_XPATH_TEST_UNSUPPORTED "XPath test unsupported [{0}]"
2104: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_XPATH_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED "XPath type unsupported [{0}]"
2105: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_XPATH_NODE_PREFIX_UNSUPPORTED "XPath node prefix unsupported [{0}]"
2106: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_XPATH_NODE_NAME_UNSUPPORTED "XPath node name unsupported position[{0}], name[{1}]"
2107: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_XPATH_BEHAVIOR_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED "XPath behavior type unsupported [{0}]"
2108: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_XPATH_BUCKET_UNSUPPORTED "XPath bucket type unsupported [{0}]"
2109: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_XPATH_VALUE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED "XPath value type unsupported [{0}]"
2110: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_XPATH_PLUS_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED "XPath plus operand type unsupported [{0}]"
2111: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_XPATH_FRAGMENT_NOT_EVALUATED "XPath fragment not evaluated[{0}]"
2112: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_XPATH_FRAGMENT_NOT_CONFIGURED "XPath fragment not configured[{0}]"
2113: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_XPATH_FUNCTION_UNSUPPORTED "XPath function unsupported [{0}]"
2114: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_FTYPE_SCORESET "Cannot set score for invalid FTYPE_ID [{0}]"
2116: SzError, # EAS_ERR_UNINITIALIZED_AMBIGUOUS_CACHE "Uninitialized Ambiguous Test Cache"
2117: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SCORING_CALL_HAS_NO_BOM "Scoring call configured with no Bill of Materials CFCALL_ID[{0}]."
2118: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_BOM_CONFIG_INVALID_FOR_SCORING_PLUGIN "Configured plugin for CFCALL_ID[{0}] has invalid BOM."
2120: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_TABLE_CONFIGURED_WITH_INVALID_FTYPE_ID "Table {0} configured with an invalid type FTYPE_ID[{1}]"
2121: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_TABLE_CONFIGURED_WITH_INVALID_FELEM_ID "Table {0} configured with an invalid type FELEM_ID[{1}]"
2123: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CFUNC_CONFIGURED_WITH_NO_CFRTN "CFG_CFUNC [{0}] feature type [{1}] configured without any corresponding return values in CFG_CFRTN"
2131: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_OBS_ENT_NOT_FOUND "Requested resolution of OBS_ENT_ID that is not loaded OBS_ENT_ID[{0}]"
2135: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INPUT_MAPPING_CONFIG_ERROR "Error in input mapping config[{0}]"
2136: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INPUT_MAPPING_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD "Error in input mapping, missing required field[{0}]"
2137: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INPUT_MAPPING_MALFORMED_INPUT "Error in input mapping, input message is malformed[{0}]"
2138: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_CFRTN_INDEX "CFRTN_ID[{0}] is out of range. Valid range is 0-7"
2139: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DSRC_INTEREST_CONFIGURED_WITH_INVALID_DSRCID "Data Source Interest configured with invalid Data Source ID DSRC_ID[{0}]"
2207: SzUnknownDataSourceError, # EAS_ERR_DATA_SOURCE_CODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Data source code [{0}] does not exist."
2209: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DATA_SOURCE_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "Data source ID [{0}] already exists."
2210: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FELEM_CODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Feature element code [{0}] does not exist."
2211: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FELEM_CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature element code [{0}] already exists."
2212: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FELEM_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature element ID [{0}] already exists."
2213: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_FELEM_DATA_TYPE "Invalid feature element datatype [{0}] found. Datatype must be in [{1}]."
2214: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FELEM_IS_CONFIGURED_FOR_USE_IN_FEATURES "Feature element [{0}] is configured for use in feature(s) [{1}]."
2215: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FTYPE_CODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Feature type code [{0}] does not exist."
2216: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FTYPE_CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature type code [{0}] already exists."
2217: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FTYPE_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature type ID [{0}] already exists."
2218: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FEATURE_FREQUENCY_IS_INVALID "Feature type frequency [{0}] is invalid."
2219: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FEATURE_ELEMENT_LIST_IS_EMPTY "Feature element list is empty."
2220: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_STANDARDIZATION_FUNCTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Standardization function [{0}] does not exist."
2221: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FUNCTION_USES_BOTH_FTYPE_AND_FELEM_TRIGGER "Function call requested uses both triggering feature type [{0}] and triggering feature element code [{1}]. Cannot use both triggering feature type and triggering feature element code."
2222: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_EXPRESSION_FUNCTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Expression function [{0}] does not exist."
2223: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_EXPRESSION_FUNCTION_FEATURE_ELEMENT_LIST_IS_EMPTY "Expression function feature element list is empty."
2224: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_COMPARISON_FUNCTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Comparison function [{0}] does not exist."
2225: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_COMPARISON_FUNCTION_FEATURE_ELEMENT_LIST_IS_EMPTY "Comparison function feature element list is empty."
2226: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DISTINCT_FUNCTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Distinct feature function [{0}] does not exist."
2227: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DISTINCT_FUNCTION_FEATURE_ELEMENT_LIST_IS_EMPTY "Distinct feature function feature element list is empty."
2228: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FELEM_CODE_MUST_BE_UNIQUE_IN_FELEM_LIST "Feature element code [{0}] must be unique in felem list."
2230: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FTYPE_CODE_AND_FELEM_CODE_MUST_BE_UNIQUE_IN_EXPRESSED_FUNCTION_CALL "Feature type [{0}] and feature element [{1}] must be unique in expressed feature function call."
2231: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FTYPE_CODE_AND_FELEM_CODE_IN_EXPRESSED_FUNCTION_CALL_DO_NOT_EXIST_IN_FEATURE "Feature type [{0}] and feature element [{1}] requested for expressed feature function call, but don't exist in feature [{0}]."
2232: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FELEM_CODE_MUST_BE_UNIQUE_IN_COMPARISON_FUNCTION_CALL "Feature element [{0}] must be unique in comparison feature function call."
2233: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FELEM_CODE_IN_COMPARISON_FUNCTION_CALL_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_FEATURE "Feature element [{0}] requested for comparison feature function call, but doesn't exist in feature [{1}]."
2234: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FELEM_CODE_MUST_BE_UNIQUE_IN_DISTINCT_FUNCTION_CALL "Feature element [{0}] must be unique in distinct feature function call."
2235: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FELEM_CODE_IN_DISTINCT_FUNCTION_CALL_DOES_NOT_EXIST_IN_FEATURE "Feature element [{0}] requested for distinct feature function call, but doesn't exist in feature [{1}]."
2236: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_EXEC_ORDER_IS_NOT_SPECIFIED_FOR_FUNCTION "Exec order not specified for function."
2237: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SFCALL_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "Standardization function call ID [{0}] already exists."
2238: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_EFCALL_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "Expression function call ID [{0}] already exists."
2239: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CFCALL_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "Comparison function call ID [{0}] already exists."
2240: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DFCALL_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "Distinct feature function call ID [{0}] already exists."
2241: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FTYPE_CODE_REQUIRED_BY_SEPARATE_EXPRESSED_FUNCTION_CALL "Feature type [{0}] required for separate expressed feature function call [{1}]."
2242: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SFCALL_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Standardization function call ID [{0}] does not exist."
2243: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_EFCALL_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Expression function call ID [{0}] does not exist."
2244: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CFCALL_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Comparison function call ID [{0}] does not exist."
2245: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DFCALL_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Distinct feature function call ID [{0}] does not exist."
2246: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_BOM_EXEC_ORDER_ALREADY_EXISTS "BOM exec order value [{0}] already exists."
2247: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_COMPARISON_FUNCTION_CALL_DOES_NOT_EXIST_FOR_FEATURE "Comparison function call does not exist for feature [{0}]."
2248: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DISTINCT_FUNCTION_CALL_DOES_NOT_EXIST_FOR_FEATURE "Distinct feature function call does not exist for feature [{0}]."
2249: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CONFLICTING_SPECIFIERS_FOR_FUNCTION_CALL "Conflicting specifiers: Function call ID [{0}] does not match function call ID [{1}] from feature type."
2250: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ATTR_CODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Attribute code [{0}] does not exist."
2251: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ATTR_CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS "Attribute code [{0}] already exists."
2252: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ATTR_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "Attribute ID [{0}] already exists."
2253: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ATTR_CLASS_CODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Attribute class code [{0}] does not exist."
2254: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FUNCTION_USES_NEITHER_FTYPE_NOR_FELEM_TRIGGER "Function call requested uses neither triggering feature type [{0}] nor triggering feature element code [{1}]. At least one trigger must be specified."
2255: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FEATURE_CLASS_CODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Feature class code [{0}] does not exist."
2256: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_CODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Relationship type code [{0}] does not exist."
2257: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FELEM_CODE_NOT_IN_FEATURE "Feature element code [{0}] not included in feature[{1}]."
2258: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ER_FRAGMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST "ER fragment code [{0}] does not exist."
2259: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ER_RULE_DOES_NOT_EXIST "ER rule code [{0}] does not exist."
2260: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ERFRAG_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "ER fragment ID [{0}] already exists."
2261: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ERRULE_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "ER rule ID [{0}] already exists."
2262: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ERFRAG_CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS "ER fragment code [{0}] already exists."
2263: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ERRULE_CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS "ER rule code [{0}] already exists."
2264: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ERFRAG_CODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST "ER fragment code [{0}] does not exist."
2266: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ERFRAG_CODE_MUST_BE_UNIQUE_IN_DEPENDENCY_LIST "ER fragment code [{0}] must be unique in dependency list."
2267: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SECTION_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS "Section name [{0}] already exists."
2268: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SECTION_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Section name [{0}] does not exist."
2269: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SECTION_FIELD_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS "Section field name [{0}] already exists."
2270: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SFUNC_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature standardization function ID [{0}] already exists."
2271: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SFUNC_CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature standardization function code [{0}] already exists."
2272: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_EFUNC_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature expression function ID [{0}] already exists."
2273: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_EFUNC_CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature expression function code [{0}] already exists."
2274: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CFUNC_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature comparison function ID [{0}] already exists."
2275: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CFUNC_CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature comparison function code [{0}] already exists."
2276: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DFUNC_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature distinct function ID [{0}] already exists."
2277: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DFUNC_CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature distinct function code [{0}] already exists."
2278: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_NOT_FOUND_IN_CONFIG "Compatibility version not found in document."
2279: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CFRTN_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature comparison function return ID [{0}] already exists."
2280: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CFUNC_CODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Feature comparison function code [{0}] does not exist."
2281: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CFRTN_VALUE_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature comparison function return value [{0}] already exists for comparison function [{1}] ftype [{2}]."
2282: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CFUNC_EXEC_ORDER_ALREADY_EXISTS "Feature comparison function exec order value [{0}] already exists for comparison function [{1}] ftype [{2}]."
2283: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_EFUNC_CODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Feature expression function code [{0}] does not exist."
2285: SzError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_FORMAT_FOR_ENTITIES "Invalid format for ENTITIES."
2286: SzError, # EAS_ERR_NO_ENTITY_ID_FOUND_FOR_ENTITY "No entity ID found for entity."
2287: SzError, # EAS_ERR_NO_DATA_SOURCE_FOUND "No data source found."
2288: SzError, # EAS_ERR_NO_RECORD_ID_FOUND "No record ID found."
2289: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_FEATURE_CLASS_FOR_FEATURE_TYPE "Invalid feature class [{0}] for feature type [{1}]."
2290: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FRAGMENT_IS_CONFIGURED_FOR_USE_IN_RULES "Rule fragment [{0}] is configured for use in rules(s) [{1}]."
2291: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FRAGMENT_IS_CONFIGURED_FOR_USE_IN_FRAGMENT "Rule fragment [{0}] is configured for use in fragments(s) [{1}]."
2292: SzError, # EAS_ERR_CANT_RETRIEVE_OBS_FEATURE_DATA_FOR_OBS_ENT "Could not retrieve observed feature data for observed entity [{0}]."
2293: SzError, # EAS_ERR_NO_RECORDS_SPECIFIED "No records specified."
2294: SzError, # EAS_ERR_DATA_SOURCE_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Data source ID [{0}] does not exist."
3011: SzError, # EAS_ERR_DELETE_WITH_RESOLVE_ONLY "Cannot delete an entity with type RESOLVE_ONLY"
3101: SzError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_SESSION_HANDLE "Invalid Session Handle [{0}]"
3102: SzError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_REPORT_HANDLE "Invalid Report Handle [{0}]"
3103: SzError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_EXPORT_HANDLE "Invalid Export Handle [{0}]"
3104: SzError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_CONFIG_HANDLE "Invalid Config Handle [{0}]"
3110: SzError, # EAS_ERR_RESPONSE_MESSAGE_SIZE_LARGER_THAN_BUFFER_SIZE "Response message size [{0}] is larger than buffer size [{1}]"
3111: SzError, # EAS_ERR_RESPONSE_RESIZE_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_PROVIDED "Resize function is not provided"
3112: SzError, # EAS_ERR_RESPONSE_RESIZE_FUNCTION_GAVE_INVALID_RESULT "Resize function returned an invalid result"
3121: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_JSON_PARSING_FAILURE "JSON Parsing Failure [code={0},offset={1}]"
3122: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_JSON_PARSING_FAILURE_MUST_BE_OBJECT_OR_ARRAY "JSON Parsing Failure. JSON must be object or array."
3123: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_JSON_PARSING_FAILURE_OBJECT_HAS_DUPLICATE_KEYS "Json object has duplicate keys."
3131: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_UNKNOWN_COLUMN_REQUESTED_FOR_CSV_EXPORT "Invalid column [{0}] requested for CSV export."
7209: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DB_BAD_BACKEND_TYPE "Invalid [SQL] Backend Parameter. Valid values are SQL or HYBRID"
7211: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DB_BAD_CLUSTER_SIZE "Cluster [{0}] is configured with an invalid size. Size must be equal to 1."
7212: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DB_BAD_CLUSTER_NODE "Cluster [{0}] Node [{1}] is not configured."
7216: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DB_BAD_CLUSTER_DEFINITION "Cluster [{0}] is not properly configured"
7217: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DB_CONFLICTING_DEFAULT_SHARD_CONFIG "Cannot specify both default backend database and default backend cluster"
7218: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DB_CLUSTER_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Cluster [{0}] does not exist"
7220: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_NO_CONFIG_REGISTERED_IN_DATASTORE "No engine configuration registered in datastore (see https://senzing.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036587313)."
7221: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_NO_CONFIG_REGISTERED_FOR_DATA_ID "No engine configuration registered with data ID [{0}]."
7222: SzError, # EAS_ERR_FAILED_TO_SET_SYS_VAR_IN_DATASTORE "Could not set system variable value in database for Group[{0}],Code[{1}],Value[{2}]."
7223: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_SCHEMA_VERSION_IN_DATASTORE "Invalid version number for datastore schema [version '{0}']."
7224: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_SCHEMA_VERSION_IN_ENGINE "Invalid version number for engine schema [version '{0}']."
7226: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_DATASTORE_SCHEMA_VERSION "Incompatible datastore schema version: [Engine version '{0}'. Datastore version '{1}' is installed, but must be between '{2}' and '{3}'.]"
7227: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CONFLICTING_SCHEMA_VERSIONS_IN_DATASTORE "Conflicting version numbers for datastore schema [{0}]."
7228: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_SCHEMA_VERSION "Invalid schema version number [version '{0}']."
7230: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ENGINE_CONFIGURATION_FILE_NOT_FOUND "Engine configuration file not found [{0}]."
7232: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ENGINE_CONFIGURATION_NOT_FOUND "No engine configuration found."
7233: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DATASTORE_ENCRYPTION_SIGNATURE_IS_INCOMPATIBLE "Datastore encryption signature is not compatible."
7234: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FAILED_TO_GET_ENCRYPTION_SIGNATURE "Failed to get encryption signature: '{0}'"
7236: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DUPLICATE_BEHAVIOR_OVERRIDE_KEY_IN_CFG_FBOVR "Duplicate behavior override keys in CFG_FBOVR -- FTYPE_ID[{0}], UTYPE_CODE[{1}] referenced in CFG_FBOVR."
7237: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_UNKNOWN_FTYPE_IN_TABLE "Unknown FTYPE_ID[{0}] referenced in {1}."
7238: SzError, # EAS_ERR_DATASTORE_ENCRYPTION_CONFIGURATION_DOES_NOT_MATCH_DATASTORE "Datastore encryption configuration does not match data store: '{0}'"
7239: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_GENERIC_THRESHOLD_CANDIDATE_CAP "Invalid generic threshold {0} cap [{1}] for [GPLAN_ID[{2}], BEHAVIOR[{3}], FTYPE_ID[{4}]]."
7240: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INCORRECT_BEHAVIOR_REFERENCED "Incorrect BEHAVIOR[{0}] referenced in CFG_GENERIC_THRESHOLD for [GPLAN_ID[{1}], FTYPE_ID[{2}]]. FType configured for behavior [{3}]"
7241: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_UNKNOWN_GPLAN_IN_TABLE "Unknown GPLAN_ID[{0}] referenced in {1}."
7242: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_MULTIPLE_GENERIC_THRESHOLD_DEFINITIONS "Multiple Generic Threshold definitions for [GPLAN_ID[{0}], BEHAVIOR[{1}], FTYPE_ID[{2}]]."
7243: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ER_FRAGMENT_HAS_UNDEFINED_DEPENDENT_FRAGMENTS "ER Fragment [{0}] configured with undefined dependent fragments. Fragment [{1}] undefined."
7244: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_ER_RULE_FRAGMENT_LACKS_REQUIRED_FRAGMENT "ER Rule Fragment configuration lacks the required {0} fragment."
7245: SzReplaceConflictError, # EAS_ERR_CURRENT_CONFIG_REGISTERED_DOES_NOT_MATCH_DATA_ID "Current configuration ID does not match specified data ID [{0}]."
7246: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_MAXIMUM_DATASTORE_SCHEMA_VERSION "Invalid maximum datastore version number for engine schema [version '{0}']."
7247: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_MINIMUM_DATASTORE_SCHEMA_VERSION "Invalid minimum datastore version number for engine schema [version '{0}']."
7303: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_MANDATORY_SEGMENT_WITH_MISSING_REQUIREMENTS "Mandatory segment with missing requirements:"
7305: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_MISSING_JSON_ROOT_ELEMENT "No root element name in json TEMPLATE"
7313: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_REQUIRED_ELEMENT_WITH_EMPTY_FIELD "A non-empty value for [{0}] must be specified."
7314: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_REQUIRED_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND "A value for [{0}] must be specified."
7317: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FAILED_TO_OPEN_FILE "Failed to open file: {0}"
7344: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_UNKNOWN_MAPPING_DIRECTIVE "Invalid mapping directive [{0}] for attribute [{1}]."
7426: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_XLITERATOR_FAILED "Transliteration failed"
7511: SzError, # EAS_ERR_ABORT_ER_AND_RETRY "Detected change in candidate entity[{0}]. Restarting ER evaluation."
8000: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_GNRNP "GNR NameParser Failure"
8410: SzError, # EAS_ERR_UNINITIALIZED_AMBIGUOUS_FEATURE "Cannot use uninitialized ambiguous feature."
8501: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_NOT_AVAILABLE "Failed to get {0} digest algorithm from ICC."
8502: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_DIGEST_CONTEXT_CREATE_FAILED "Failed to create a digest context."
8503: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_DIGEST_CONTEXT_INIT_FAILED "Failed {0} to initialise a digest context."
8504: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_DIGEST_FAILED "Failed {0} to digest block {1}."
8505: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_DIGEST_FINAL_FAILED "Failed {0} to complete digest."
8508: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_DIGEST_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION "Unrecognized exception thrown generating digest."
8509: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_REQUIRED "Cannot generate a digest without a valid algorithm."
8514: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_RANDOM_FAILED "Failed {0} to get random content"
8516: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_MUST_BE_SIZE "A salt value must be {0} bytes long but the provided one is {1} bytes."
8517: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_DOES_NOT_MATCH_CHECKSUM "The salt value does not match the recorded checksum."
8520: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_G2SS_INIT_FAILED "Secure Store initialization failed."
8521: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_G2SS_TOKEN_MUST_BE_INIT "Hashing with a named salt requires the Secure Store to be initialized."
8522: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_G2SS_SOPIN_NOT_VALID "The Security Officer (SO) PIN is not correct."
8524: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_G2SS_INIT_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION "Secure Store initialization failed with an unrecognized exception"
8525: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_G2SS_REQUIRED_FOR_LOAD "Secure Store is required to load salt"
8526: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_G2SS_REQUIRED_FOR_GENERATE "Secure Store is required to generate salt"
8527: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_G2SS_REQUIRED_FOR_IMPORT "Secure Store is required to import salt"
8528: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_G2SS_REQUIRED_FOR_EXPORT "Secure Store is required to export salt"
8529: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_G2SS_REQUIRED_FOR_DELETE "Secure Store is required to delete salt"
8530: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_CANNOT_OVERWRITE "You cannot overwrite an existing salt called {0}"
8536: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_G2SS_REQUIRED_FOR_LEGACY "Secure Store is required to add a legacy salt"
8538: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_G2SS_REQUIRED_FOR_METHOD "Secure Store is required to change hashing method"
8539: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_G2SS_ERROR_CHANGING_METHOD "Secure Store error changing hashing method"
8540: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_WRONG_SIZE "The object called {0} is not a salt"
8541: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR "Base64 decoding error in salt {0} at character {1}"
8542: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_UNINITIALIZED "Must load a salt before using it."
8543: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_NOT_FOUND "There is no salt called {0} in the Secure Store."
8544: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_PASSWORD_NOT_STRONG_ENOUGH "The password must be stronger: {0}"
8545: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_ADMIN_NAME_REQUIRED "Specify -name and the name to use for the salt"
8556: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_ADMIN_METHOD_NOT_RECOGNISED "Hashing method {0} not supported."
8557: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_METHOD_DOES_NOT_MATCH "The hashing method in the configuration ({1}) does not match the method ({2}) of the salt {0}"
8593: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_HMAC_CONTEXT_INIT_FAILED "Failed {0} to initialise an HMAC context."
8594: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_HMAC_FAILED "Failed {0} to HMAC block {1}."
8595: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_HMAC_FINAL_FAILED "Failed {0} to complete HMAC."
8598: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_HMAC_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION "Unrecognized exception thrown generating HMAC."
8599: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SALT_UNKNOWN_HASHING_METHOD "Unrecognized hashing method ({0}) requested."
8601: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_HASHER_REQUIRES_SECURE_STORE "Using a named salt requires the Secure Store configured and running"
8602: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_HASHER_CHECKSUM_DOES_NOT_MATCH "The hashing checksum configured ({1}) does not match the checksum ({2}) of the salt named {0}"
8603: SzError, # EAS_ERR_HASHER_UNABLE_TO_RECORD_SALT "Unable to record the configured salt"
8604: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_HASHER_REQUIRES_FUNCTION "Using hashing requires a configured hashing function"
8605: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_HASHER_EPHEMERAL_OR_NAMED_SALT "Specify either a named salt or an ephemeral one. Can not have both"
8606: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_HASHER_SALT_REQUIRED "Hashing requires a salt to be configured."
8607: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_HASHER_INVALID_ARGS "Invalid arguments to hashing function. Either a parameter wasn't provided or a buffer was too small: location={0}, dataPtr={1}, dataLength={2}, outputPtr={3}, outputLength={4}, output={5}"
8608: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_NO_SALT_VALUE_CONFIGURED "No salt value is configured. A salt value must be configured if you wish to export the token library."
8701: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_PARAMETER_NOT_READABLE "The parameter store does not support a read interface"
8702: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_PARAMETER_NOT_WRITABLE "The parameter store does not support a write interface"
9000: SzLicenseError, # EAS_LIMIT_MAX_OBS_ENT "LIMIT: Maximum number of records ingested: {0}"
9107: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CANT_GET_PARAMETER_FROM_THE_STORE "Cannot get parameter [{0}] from parameter store"
9110: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_CONFIG "Insufficient configuration for the {0} table!"
9111: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_PARSE_FRAGMENT "ERROR parsing FragmentID[{0}] FragmentName[{1}] : [{2}] is an invalid RuleID dependency"
9112: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FAILED_TO_OPEN_INI_FILE_FOR_WRITING "Failed to open ini file for writing [{0}]"
9113: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FAILED_TO_OPEN_INI_FILE_FOR_READING "Failed to open ini file for reading [{0}]"
9115: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_INPUT_NOT_STANDARDIZED "Cannot process Observation that has not been standardized"
9116: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CONFIG_TABLE_NOT_FOUND "CONFIG information for {0} not found!"
9117: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CONFIG_TABLE_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND "CONFIG information for {0} not found in {1}!"
9118: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CONFIG_TABLE_COLUMN_INDEX_NOT_FOUND "Invalid column index {0} queried from {1} container!"
9119: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CONFIG_TABLE_COLUMN_NAME_NOT_FOUND "Invalid column name {0} queried from {1} container!"
9120: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CONFIG_TABLE_MALFORMED "CONFIG information for {0} is malformed!"
9210: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_DIGEST_CONTEXT_INIT_FAILED "Unable to initialize Digest Context."
9220: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FTYPE_CANNOT_BE_HASHED "FType configured to be hashed, but cannot be scored. FTYPE_ID[{0}] FTYPE_CODE[{1}]"
9222: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FTYPE_CONFIGURED_TO_BE_HASHED_MISSING_SALT "A Feature Type is marked for hashing, but a valid salt value was not found. FTYPE_ID[{0}] FTYPE_CODE[{1}]"
9224: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_FTYPE_CONFIGURED_TO_BE_HASHED "FType configured to be hashed, but no hashable data found. FTYPE_ID[{0}] FTYPE_CODE[{1}]"
9228: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_UNEXPECTED_SALT_CHECKSUM_LIST "The SALT checksum on the Observation does not match the EXPECTED SALT checksum: EXPECTED=[{0}] Observation=[{1}]"
9240: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CIPHER_CONTEXT_INIT_FAILED "Unable to initialize an ICC Context."
9241: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CIPHER_OP_FAILED "Unable to perform a required ICC operation."
9250: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_INVALID_LIB "Invalid ({1}) Secure Store plug-in library: {0}"
9251: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_INVALID_URL "Invalid Secure Store URL: {0}"
9252: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_INVALID_PIN "Invalid Secure Store credential specification: {0}"
9253: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_TOKEN_INIT_FAILED "Secure Store token initialization failed: {0}."
9254: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_TOKEN_UNINITIALIZED "Cannot open a Secure Store session when the token is uninitialized."
9255: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_USER_PIN_UNINITIALIZED "Secure Store credential is uninitialized."
9256: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_SESSION_OPEN "Cannot open a Secure Store session when one is already open."
9257: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_NO_SESSION "Cannot use Secure Store without a session."
9258: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_SESSION_OPEN_FAILED "Secure Store session could not be opened: {0}."
9259: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_ADMIN_LOGIN_FAILED "Secure Store admin login failed: {0}."
9260: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_USER_LOGIN_FAILED "Secure Store user login failed: {0}."
9261: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_PKCS11_ERROR "Secure Store function failed: {0}"
9264: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_LOGOUT_FAILED "Secure Store logout failed: {0}."
9265: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_NEED_RW_SESSION "Secure Store session must be read/write."
9266: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_KEY "Secure Store key does not meet requirements."
9267: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_KEY "Secure Store key creation failed."
9268: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_UNABLE_TO_CHANGE_PIN "Secure Store password change failed: {0}."
9269: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_INVALID_OLD_CREDENTIAL "Secure Store old credential is invalid."
9270: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_INVALID_NEW_CREDENTIAL "Secure Store new credential is invalid."
9271: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_OUT_OF_MEMORY "Secure Store out of memory."
9272: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_FIND_INIT_FAILED "Secure Store object locating failed: {0}."
9273: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_FIND_FAILED "Secure Store object find failed: {0}."
9274: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_CRYPTO_SETUP_FAILED "Secure Store setup of encryption failed: {0}."
9275: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_ENCRYPT_START_FAILED "Secure Store unable to start encryption: {0}."
9276: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_ENCRYPT_SIZE_FAILED "Secure Store unable to get the size of encrypted data: {0}."
9277: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_ENCRYPT_FAILED "Secure Store encryption failed: {0}."
9278: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_DECRYPT_START_FAILED "Secure Store unable to start decryption: {0}."
9279: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_DECRYPT_FAILED "Secure Store decryption failed: {0}."
9280: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_OBJECT_SAVE_FAILED "Secure Store unable to save object: {0}."
9281: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_OBJECT_DELETE_FAILED "Secure Store unable to delete object: {0}."
9282: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_OBJECT_CHANGE_FAILED "Secure Store unable to modify object: {0}."
9283: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_UNINITIALIZED "Secure Store has not been initialized"
9284: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_INVALID_SLOT_ID "Can not obtain info on specified slot. Possibly invalid slot ID specified in Secure Store URL: {0}"
9285: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_NO_TOKEN_IN_SLOT "No security token present in slot specified by Secure Store URL: slot ID = {0}"
9286: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND "Can not obtain info for security token. Possibly invalid token label and/or slot ID specified in Secure Store URL: {0}"
9287: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_TOKEN_IMPL_ERROR "An internal error occurred in the security token implementation library: Return Code = {0}"
9288: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_USER_PIN_PROMPT_FAILED "Was unable to prompt user for security token authentication."
9289: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_LABEL_CHANGED_SINCE_CONFIG_INIT "Secure Store has been reconfigured since loading."
9290: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND "Secure Store does not have an object called {0}."
9292: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_NO_PASSWORD "No password supplied"
9293: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_NO_SEC_STORE_PREFIX "Secure Store expects a different format (starting with {0}) when a password is supplied"
9295: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_NO_DATA_OBJECTS "There are no Secure Store objects stored on the token"
9296: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_SEC_STORE_ARCHIVE_BAD "The exported archive appears to be corrupted around object {0}"
9297: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_FILE_NOT_FOUND "Secure Store failed to open {0}"
9298: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_FILE_CONTENTS_BAD "Secure Store contents of {0} not usable."
9299: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_CLASS_NOT_INIT "Secure Store internal error."
9300: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_PASSWORD_CHECK_ERROR "Secure Store internal error ({0}) checking password."
9301: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_MISSING_SEQUENCE_ENTRY "Missing Sequence Entry[{0}] in the SYS_SEQUENCE table!"
9305: SzError, # EAS_ERR_SEQUENCE_RETRIES_FAILED "Retries failed to retrieve Sequence Entry[{0}] in the SYS_SEQUENCE table! This may mean the CACHE_SIZE is too small."
9308: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_MISSING_STATUS_ENTRY "Could not retrieve status entry[{0}] in the SYS_STATUS table!"
9309: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_SEQUENCE_HAS_BEEN_RESET "Sequence entry[{0}] has been reset."
9310: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INVALID_STATUS_ENTRY_VALUE "Invalid value for status entry[{0}] in the SYS_STATUS table!"
9311: SzError, # EAS_ERR_COULD_NOT_RECORD_USAGE_TYPE "Could not record usage type [{0}] in the SYS_CODES_USED table!"
9406: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_SESSION_MUST_NOT_BE_OPEN "Secure Store cannot fetch a value with sync if a session is already open."
9408: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_PASSWORD_INADEQUATE "The provided password is not strong enough: {0}"
9409: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_FUNCTION_LIST_NOT_SET "The security token interface is not yet set"
9410: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_PKCS_INIT_FAILED "Initializing token driver failed {0}"
9411: SzError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_PKCS_FINAL_FAILED "Finalizing token driver failed {0}"
9413: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_G2SS_INCORRECT_PASSWORD "The export file password appears to be incorrect."
9414: SzBadInputError, # EAS_ERR_STRING_IS_INVALID_UTF8 "Invalid data string. Data must be in UTF-8."
9500: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_TOKEN_LIBRARY_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH "Cannot load token library. The checksum does not match the configuration of this node. Found: [{0}] Expected: [{1}]"
9501: SzError, # EAS_TOKEN_LIBRARY_ALREADY_HASHED "Cannot hash token library. The Token Library contains previous hashed data"
9701: SzError, # EAS_ERR_CANT_RETRIEVE_INDEX_FROM_MEMORY_ROW "Cannot retrieve index[{0}] from memory row of key[{1}], out of range!"
9802: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_INBOUND_OBS_CONFIG_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH "Configuration checksum on inbound observation [{0}] does not match this nodes configuration checksum [{1}]. Cannot process."
9803: SzConfigurationError, # EAS_ERR_CALC_CONFIGCHKSUM_AND_PARAMSTORE_CONFIGCHKSUM_DONT_MATCH "The calculated configuration checksum [{0}] does not match the CONFIGURATION_CHECKSUM value in the parameter store [{1}]."
# fmt: on