senzing package =============== The `senzing`_ Python package has 5 major modules / classes. Senzing objects are created using an `Abstract Factory Pattern`_. .. list-table:: Senzing classes :widths: 20 20 60 :header-rows: 1 * - Module - Class - Creation * - szconfig - SzConfig - `sz_config = sz_abstract_factory.create_config()` * - szconfigmanager - SzConfigManager - `sz_configmanager = sz_abstract_factory.create_configmanager()` * - szdiagnostic - SzDiagnostic - `sz_diagnostic = sz_abstract_factory.create_diagnostic()` * - szengine - SzEngine - `sz_engine = sz_abstract_factory.create_engine()` * - szproduct - SzProduct - `sz_product = sz_abstract_factory.create_product()` In the examples, the creation of the Senzing Abstract Factory has been abstracted to .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/docs/import_sz_abstract_factory.txt :language: python and the creation of the Senzing objects has been abstracted to .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/docs/import_sz_engine.txt :language: python Using the `senzing-core`_ Python package, the implementation looks like the following: .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/helpers/ :linenos: :language: python Naturally, the ```` file needs to be modified to support importing the variables. For the full implementation of the documentation examples, visit the source code on `GitHub`_. szabstractfactory ----------------- .. automodule:: senzing.szabstractfactory :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: szconfig -------- .. automodule:: senzing.szconfig :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: szconfigmanager --------------- .. automodule:: senzing.szconfigmanager :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: szdiagnostic ------------ .. automodule:: senzing.szdiagnostic :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: szengine -------- .. automodule:: senzing.szengine :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: szproduct --------- .. automodule:: senzing.szproduct :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: szengineflags ------------- .. automodule:: senzing.szengineflags :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: szerror ------- .. automodule:: senzing.szerror :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: constants --------- .. automodule:: senzing.constants :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. _Abstract Factory Pattern: .. _GitHub: .. _senzing-core: .. _senzing: