Senzing.Sdk for C#

This is the Senzing SDK for C#. After adding the Senzing.Sdk.dll to your project you can leverage the Senzing SDK via the SzCoreEnvironment class:

using Sening.Sdk;
using Senzing.Sdk.Core;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;

. . .

SzEnvironment? env = null;

try {
    env = SzCoreEnvironment.NewBuilder().Settings(settingsJson).Build();

    SzEngine engine = env.GetEngine();

    engine.AddRecord("TEST", "ABC001", "{\"NAME_FULL\": \"Joe Schmoe\"}");

    string entityJson = engine.GetEntity("TEST", "ABC001");

    JsonObject? jsonObject  = JsonNode.Parse(entityJson)?.AsObject();
    JsonObject? entity      = jsonObject?["RESOLVED_ENTITY"]?.AsObject();
    long?       entityID    = entity?["ENTITY_ID"]?.GetValue<long>();

    Console.WriteLine("Record ABC001 has entity ID: " + entityID);

} finally {
    if (env != null) env.Destroy();

See the "API" tab above for API reference documentation.

  • A good starting place is the Senzing.Sdk.SzEnvironment interface and its "core" implementation Senzing.Sdk.Core.SzCoreEnvironment.

  • The SzEnvironment breaks down the functionality into 5 interfaces:

    • Senzing.Sdk.SzProduct
    • Senzing.Sdk.SzConfig
    • Senzing.Sdk.SzConfigManager
    • Senzing.Sdk.SzDiagnostic
    • Senzing.Sdk.SzEngine
  • The bulk of the Senzing functionality is contained in the SzEngine interface.

  • The SzProduct interface provides basic functions pertaining to the Senzing product installation.

  • The SzConfig and SzConfigManager interfaces provide functions that are typically used while setting up the configuration for the Senzing repository.

  • The SzDiagnostic interface is primarily for internal diagnostic functionality.