Package com.senzing.sdk
Class SzFlags
Enumerates all the flags used by the Senzing SDK.
Field Summary
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for getting entities.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for basic entity output.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for getting entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for including all features for entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for including all relations for entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for including disclosed relations for entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for including the name of the entity.static final long
The bitwise flag for including feature statistics in entity output.static final long
The bitwise flag for including internal features in entity output.static final long
The bitwise flag for including name-only relations for entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for including possibly-related relations for entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for including possibly-same relations for entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for including the basic record data for the entity.static final long
The bitwise flag for including full feature details at the record level of an entity response or in a record response.static final long
The bitwise flag for including full feature statistics at the record level of an entity response or in a record response.static final long
The bitwise flag to include the features identifiers at the record level, referencing the entity features.static final long
The bitwise flag for including the record json data for the entity.static final long
The bitwise flag for including the record matching info for the entity.static final long
The bitwise flag for including the record summary of the entity.static final long
The bitwise flag for including the record types of the entity.static final long
The bitwise flag for including the record unmapped data for the entity.static final long
The bitwise flag for including the name of the related entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for including the record matching info of the related entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for including the basic record data of the related entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for including the record summary of the related entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for including the record types of the related entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for including representative features for entities.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for exporting entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include all entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include all relationships.static final long
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "disclosed" relationships.static final long
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "resolved" relationships.static final long
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "name only" relationships.static final long
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "possibly related" relationships.static final long
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "possibly same" relationships.static final long
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include singleton entities.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for finding entity networks.static final long
The bitwise flag for find-path functionality to include matching info on entity paths.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for finding entity paths.static final long
The bitwise flag for find-path functionality to include matching info on entity paths.static final long
The bitwise flag for find-path functionality to indicate that avoided entities are not allowed under any circumstance -- even if they are the only means by which a path can be found between two entities.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for how-analysis on entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for including feature scores.static final long
The bitwise flag for including internal features.static final long
The value representing no flags are being passed.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for getting records.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes, returning all matching entities.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes, returning minimal data with all matches.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes, returning the minimal data, and returning only the strongest matches.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes, returning only strongly matching entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that search results should not only include those entities that satisfy resolution rule, but also those that present on the candidate list but fail to satisfy a resolution rule.static final long
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include all match level results.static final long
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include "name only" match level results.static final long
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include "possibly related" match level results.static final long
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include "possibly same" match level results.static final long
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that the search response should include the basic feature information for the search criteria features.static final long
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that the search response should include detailed feature information for search criteria features (including feature stats and generic status).static final long
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include "resolved" match level results.static final long
The bitwise flag for including statistics from search results.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for virtual-entity-analysis on entities.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for why-entities analysis on entities.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for why-record-in analysis on entities.static final long
The default recommended bitwise flag values for why-records analysis on entities.static final long
The bitwise flag for indicating that the Senzing engine should produce and return the INFO document describing the affected entities from an operation that modifies record data in the repository.static final long
The bitwise flag to use when a repository-modifying operation is being invoked and the desired repsonse should contain an "INFO" message describing how the repository was affected as a result of the operation. -
Method Summary
Field Details
public static final long SZ_NO_FLAGSThe value representing no flags are being passed. Alternatively, anull
value will indicate no flags as well.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_WITH_INFOThe bitwise flag for indicating that the Senzing engine should produce and return the INFO document describing the affected entities from an operation that modifies record data in the repository.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_MULTI_RECORD_ENTITIESThe bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "resolved" relationships.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_SAMEThe bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "possibly same" relationships.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_RELATEDThe bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "possibly related" relationships.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_NAME_ONLYThe bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "name only" relationships.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_DISCLOSEDThe bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "disclosed" relationships.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_SINGLE_RECORD_ENTITIESThe bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include singleton entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_ALL_ENTITIESThe bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include all entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_ALL_HAVING_RELATIONSHIPSThe bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include all relationships.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_SAME_RELATIONSThe bitwise flag for including possibly-same relations for entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_RELATED_RELATIONSThe bitwise flag for including possibly-related relations for entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_NAME_ONLY_RELATIONSThe bitwise flag for including name-only relations for entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_DISCLOSED_RELATIONSThe bitwise flag for including disclosed relations for entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_ALL_RELATIONSThe bitwise flag for including all relations for entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_ALL_FEATURESThe bitwise flag for including all features for entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_REPRESENTATIVE_FEATURESThe bitwise flag for including representative features for entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_ENTITY_NAMEThe bitwise flag for including the name of the entity.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_SUMMARYThe bitwise flag for including the record summary of the entity.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_TYPESThe bitwise flag for including the record types of the entity.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_DATAThe bitwise flag for including the basic record data for the entity.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_MATCHING_INFOThe bitwise flag for including the record matching info for the entity.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_JSON_DATAThe bitwise flag for including the record json data for the entity.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_UNMAPPED_DATAThe bitwise flag for including the record unmapped data for the entity.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_FEATURESThe bitwise flag to include the features identifiers at the record level, referencing the entity features.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_FEATURE_DETAILSThe bitwise flag for including full feature details at the record level of an entity response or in a record response.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_FEATURE_STATSThe bitwise flag for including full feature statistics at the record level of an entity response or in a record response.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_ENTITY_NAMEThe bitwise flag for including the name of the related entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_MATCHING_INFOThe bitwise flag for including the record matching info of the related entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_RECORD_SUMMARYThe bitwise flag for including the record summary of the related entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_RECORD_TYPESThe bitwise flag for including the record types of the related entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_RECORD_DATAThe bitwise flag for including the basic record data of the related entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_INTERNAL_FEATURESThe bitwise flag for including internal features in entity output.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_FEATURE_STATSThe bitwise flag for including feature statistics in entity output.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_INCLUDE_MATCH_KEY_DETAILSThe bitwise flag for including internal features.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_FIND_PATH_STRICT_AVOIDThe bitwise flag for find-path functionality to indicate that avoided entities are not allowed under any circumstance -- even if they are the only means by which a path can be found between two entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_FIND_PATH_INCLUDE_MATCHING_INFOThe bitwise flag for find-path functionality to include matching info on entity paths.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_FIND_NETWORK_INCLUDE_MATCHING_INFOThe bitwise flag for find-path functionality to include matching info on entity paths.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_INCLUDE_FEATURE_SCORESThe bitwise flag for including feature scores.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_STATSThe bitwise flag for including statistics from search results.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_RESOLVEDThe bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include "resolved" match level results.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_SAMEThe bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include "possibly same" match level results.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_RELATEDThe bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include "possibly related" match level results.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_NAME_ONLYThe bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include "name only" match level results.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_ALL_CANDIDATESThe bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that search results should not only include those entities that satisfy resolution rule, but also those that present on the candidate list but fail to satisfy a resolution rule.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_REQUESTThe bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that the search response should include the basic feature information for the search criteria features.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_REQUEST_DETAILSThe bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that the search response should include detailed feature information for search criteria features (including feature stats and generic status). This flag has no effect unlessSZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_REQUEST
is also specified.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_WITH_INFO_FLAGSThe bitwise flag to use when a repository-modifying operation is being invoked and the desired repsonse should contain an "INFO" message describing how the repository was affected as a result of the operation.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_ALL_ENTITIESThe bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include all match level results.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_RECORD_DEFAULT_FLAGSThe default recommended bitwise flag values for getting records.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_CORE_FLAGSThe default recommended bitwise flag values for basic entity output.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_DEFAULT_FLAGSThe default recommended bitwise flag values for getting entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_ENTITY_BRIEF_DEFAULT_FLAGSThe default recommended bitwise flag values for getting entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_EXPORT_DEFAULT_FLAGSThe default recommended bitwise flag values for exporting entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_FIND_PATH_DEFAULT_FLAGSThe default recommended bitwise flag values for finding entity paths.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_FIND_NETWORK_DEFAULT_FLAGSThe default recommended bitwise flag values for finding entity networks.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_WHY_ENTITIES_DEFAULT_FLAGSThe default recommended bitwise flag values for why-entities analysis on entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_WHY_RECORDS_DEFAULT_FLAGSThe default recommended bitwise flag values for why-records analysis on entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_WHY_RECORD_IN_ENTITY_DEFAULT_FLAGSThe default recommended bitwise flag values for why-record-in analysis on entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_HOW_ENTITY_DEFAULT_FLAGSThe default recommended bitwise flag values for how-analysis on entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_VIRTUAL_ENTITY_DEFAULT_FLAGSThe default recommended bitwise flag values for virtual-entity-analysis on entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_ALLThe default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes, returning all matching entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_STRONGThe default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes, returning only strongly matching entities.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_MINIMAL_ALLThe default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes, returning minimal data with all matches.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_MINIMAL_STRONGThe default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes, returning the minimal data, and returning only the strongest matches.- See Also:
public static final long SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT_FLAGSThe default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes.- See Also: