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addConfig(String, String) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzConfigManager
Adds the configuration described by the specified JSON to the repository with the specified comment and returns the identifier for referencing the the config in the entity repository.
addDataSource(long, String) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzConfig
Adds a new data source that is identified by the specified data source code to the in-memory configuration associated with the specified configuraiton handle.
addRecord(SzRecordKey, String, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Loads the record described by the specified String record definition having the specified data source code and record ID using the specified Set of SzFlag values.


build() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment.Builder
This method creates a new SzCoreEnvironment instance based on this SzCoreEnvironment.Builder instance.
build() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds.Builder
Builds a new instance of SzEntityIds using the Long entity ID instances that were added to this builder instance.
build() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys.Builder
Builds a new instance of SzRecordKeys using the SzRecordKey instances that were added to this builder instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment.Builder
Private constructor.


checkDatastorePerformance(int) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzDiagnostic
Runs non-destruction DB performance tests and returns detail of the result as a JSON String.
closeConfig(long) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzConfig
Closes the in-memory configuration associated with the specified config handle and cleans up system resources.
closeExport(long) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
This function closes an export handle of a previously opened export to clean up system resources.
com.senzing.sdk - package com.senzing.sdk
This package provides the interfaces, utility classes, enumerations, constants and exception types pertaining to the Senzing SDK for Java.
com.senzing.sdk.core - package com.senzing.sdk.core
This package provides the "core" implementation of the Senzing SDK for Java defined in the com.senzing.sdk package.
compareTo(SzRecordKey) - Method in record class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKey
Implemented to sort SzRecordKey instances first on data source code and then on record ID.
configId(Long) - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment.Builder
Sets the explicit configuration ID to use to initialize the SzCoreEnvironment.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
contains(Object) - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
countRedoRecords() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Gets the number of redo records pending to be processed.
createConfig() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzConfig
Creates a new in-memory configuration using the default configuraiton template and returns the configuration handle for working with it.


dataSourceCode() - Method in record class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKey
Returns the value of the dataSourceCode record component.
DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment
The default instance name to use for the Senzing intialization.
DEFAULT_SETTINGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment
The default "bootstrap" settings with which to initialize the SzCoreEnvironment when an explicit settings value has not been provided via settings(String).
deleteDataSource(long, String) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzConfig
Deletes the data source identified by the specified data source code from the in-memory configuration associated with the specified config handle.
deleteRecord(SzRecordKey, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Delete a previously loaded record identified by the data source code and record ID from the specified SzRecordKey.
destroy() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment
destroy() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEnvironment
Destroys this SzEnvironment and invalidates any SDK singleton references that has previously provided.


equals(Object) - Method in record class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKey
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
exportConfig(long) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzConfig
Obtains the configuration definition formatted as JSON for the in-memory configuration associated with the specified configuration handle.
exportCsvEntityReport(String, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Initiates an export of entity data in CSV format and returns an "export handle" that can be used to read the export data and must be closed when complete.
exportJsonEntityReport(Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Iniitiates an export of entity data as JSON-lines format and returns an "export handle" that can be used to read the export data and must be closed when complete.


fetchNext(long) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Fetches the next line of entity data from the export identified by the specified export handle.
findInterestingEntities(long, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
An experimental method to obtain interesting entities pertaining to the entity identified by the specified entity ID using the specified Set of SzFlag instances.
findInterestingEntities(SzRecordKey, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
An experimental method to obtain interesting entities pertaining to the entity that contains a specific record that is identified by the data source code and record ID associated with the specified SzRecordKey using the specified Set of SzFlag instances.
findNetwork(SzEntityIds, int, int, int, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Finds a network of entity relationships surrounding the paths between a set of entities identified by one or more entity ID's specified in an instance of SzEntityIds -- which is a Set of non-null Long entity ID's.
findNetwork(SzRecordKeys, int, int, int, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Finds a network of entity relationships surrounding the paths between a set of entities having the constituent records identified by the data source code and record ID pairs contained in the specified instance of SzRecordKeys -- which is a Set of one or more non-null SzRecordKey instances.
findPath(long, long, int, SzEntityIds, Set<String>, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Finds a relationship path between two entities identified by their entity ID's.
findPath(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, int, SzRecordKeys, Set<String>, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Finds a relationship path between two entities identified by the data source codes and record ID's of their constituent records given by the specified start and end SzRecordKey instances.


getActiveConfigId() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment
getActiveConfigId() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEnvironment
Gets the currently active configuration ID for the SzEnvironment.
getActiveInstance() - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment
Gets the current active instance of SzCoreEnvironment.
getConfig() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment
getConfig() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEnvironment
Provides a reference to the SzConfig instance associated with this SzEnvironment.
getConfig(long) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzConfigManager
Gets the configuration with the specified config ID and returns the configuration defintion as a String.
getConfigManager() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment
getConfigManager() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEnvironment
Provides a reference to the SzConfigManager instance associated with this SzEnvironment.
getConfigs() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzConfigManager
Gets the list of saved configuration ID's with their comments and timestamps and return the JSON String describing them.
getDataSources(long) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzConfig
Extracts the data sources from the in-memory configuration associated with the specified config handle returns the JSON text describing the data sources from the configuration.
getDatastoreInfo() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzDiagnostic
Gathers detailed information on the data store and returns it as a JSON String.
getDefaultConfigId() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzConfigManager
Gets the configuration ID of the default configuration for the repository and returns it.
getDiagnostic() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment
getDiagnostic() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEnvironment
Provides a reference to the SzDiagnostic instance associated with this SzEnvironment.
getEngine() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment
getEngine() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEnvironment
Provides a reference to the SzEngine instance associated with this SzEnvironment.
getEntity(long, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
This method is used to retrieve information about a specific resolved entity.
getEntity(SzRecordKey, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
This method is used to retrieve information about the resolved entity that contains a specific record that is identified by the data source code and record ID associated with the specified SzRecordKey.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.senzing.sdk.SzException
Gets the underlying Senzing error code associated with the exception.
getFeature(long) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzDiagnostic
Experimental/internal method for obtaining diagnostic feature definition for the specified feature identifier.
getFlags() - Method in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Gets the EnumSet of SzFlag instances that have this SzFlagUsageGroup.
getGroups() - Method in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
Gets the unmodifiable Set of SzFlagUsageGroup instances describing which usage groups that this SzFlag belongs to.
getLicense() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzProduct
Returns the currently configured license details.
getProduct() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment
getProduct() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEnvironment
Provides a reference to the SzProduct instance associated with this SzEnvironment.
getRecord(SzRecordKey, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Retrieves the record identified by the data source code and record ID from the specified SzRecordKey.
getRedoRecord() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Retrieves a pending redo record from the reevaluation queue.
getStats() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Returns the current internal engine workload statistics for the process.
getVersion() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzProduct
Returns the currently installed version details.
getVirtualEntity(Set<SzRecordKey>, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Describes a hypothetically entity that would be composed of the one or more records identified by the data source code and record ID pairs in the specified Set of SzRecordKey instances.


hashCode() - Method in record class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKey
Returns a hash code value for this object.
howEntity(long, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Deterimes how an entity identified by the specified entity ID was constructed from its constituent records.


id(Long) - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds.Builder
Adds a Long entity ID instance to this SzEntityIds.Builder.
importConfig(String) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzConfig
Creates a new in-memory configuration using the specified configuration definition and returns the configuration handle for working with it.
instanceName(String) - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment.Builder
Provides the Senzing instance name to configure the SzCoreEnvironment.
intersect(Set<SzFlag>, Set<SzFlag>) - Static method in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
Creates a new EnumSet of SzFlag instances that represents the intersection between the two specified sets of SzFlag instances.
intersects(Set<SzFlag>, Set<SzFlag>) - Static method in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
Checks if any intersection exists between two sets of SzFlag instances.
isDestroyed() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment
isDestroyed() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEnvironment
Checks if this instance has had its SzEnvironment.destroy() method called.
iterator() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
iterator() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys


key(SzRecordKey) - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys.Builder
Adds an SzRecordKey instance to this SzRecordKeys.Builder.
key(String, String) - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys.Builder
Creates an instance of SzRecordKey using the specified data source code and record ID and adds that instance to this SzRecordKeys.Builder.


newBuilder() - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment
Creates a new instance of SzCoreEnvironment.Builder for setting up an instance of SzCoreEnvironment.
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Creates a new SzEntityIds.Builder for creating an instance of SzEntityIds.
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Creates a new SzRecordKeys.Builder for creating an instance of SzRecordKeys.


of() - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an empty instance with no Long entity ID elements.
of() - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an empty instance with no SzRecordKey elements.
of(long...) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with a variable-argument array of long entity ID instances.
of(SzRecordKey) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly one SzRecordKey.
of(SzRecordKey...) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with a variable-argument array of SzRecordKey instances.
of(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly two SzRecordKey instances.
of(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly three SzRecordKey instances.
of(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly four SzRecordKey instances.
of(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly five SzRecordKey instances.
of(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly six SzRecordKey instances.
of(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly seven SzRecordKey instances.
of(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly eight SzRecordKey instances.
of(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly nine SzRecordKey instances.
of(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly ten SzRecordKey instances.
of(Long) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly one Long entity ID.
of(Long...) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with a variable-argument array of Long entity ID instances.
of(Long, Long) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly two entity ID's.
of(Long, Long, Long) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly three entity ID's.
of(Long, Long, Long, Long) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly four entity ID's.
of(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly five entity ID's.
of(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly six entity ID's.
of(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly seven entity ID's.
of(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly eight entity ID's.
of(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly nine entity ID's.
of(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly ten entity ID's.
of(String...) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with a variable-argument array of String instances with an even-number length representing pairs of data source codes and record ID's for the SzRecordKey instances for this instance.
of(String, String) - Static method in record class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKey
Shorthand static for constructing a new instance of SzRecordKey with the specified data source code and record ID.
of(String, String) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly one SzRecordKey using the specified data source code and record ID.
of(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly two SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
of(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly three SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
of(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly four SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
of(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly five SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
of(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly six SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
of(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly seven SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
of(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly eight SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
of(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly nine SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
of(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly ten SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
of(Collection<SzRecordKey>) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs with the specified Collection of non-null SzRecordKey instanes.
of(Collection<Long>) - Static method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs with the specified Collection of non-null Long entity ID instanes.


preprocessRecord(String, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Performs a hypothetical load of a the record described by the specified String record definition using the specified Set of SzFlag values.
primeEngine() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
May optionally be called to pre-initialize some of the heavier weight internal resources of the SzEngine.
processRedoRecord(String, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Processes the specified redo record using the specified flags.
purgeRepository() - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzDiagnostic
Purges all data in the configured repository.


recordId() - Method in record class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKey
Returns the value of the recordId record component.
reevaluateEntity(long, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Reevaluate a resolved entity identified by the specified entity ID.
reevaluateRecord(SzRecordKey, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Reevaluate the record identified by the data source code and record ID from the specified SzRecordKey.
reinitialize(long) - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment
reinitialize(long) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEnvironment
Reinitializes the SzEnvironment with the specified configuration ID.
replaceDefaultConfigId(long, long) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzConfigManager
Replaces the current configuration ID of the repository with the specified new configuration ID providing the current configuration ID of the repository is equal to the specified old configuration ID.


searchByAttributes(String, String, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
This method searches for entities that match or relate to the provided search attributes using the optionally specified search profile.
searchByAttributes(String, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
This method is equivalent to calling SzEngine.searchByAttributes(String, String, Set) with a null value for the search profile parameter.
setDefaultConfigId(long) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzConfigManager
Sets the default configuration for the repository to the specified configuration ID.
settings(String) - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment.Builder
Provides the Senzing settings to configure the SzCoreEnvironment.
size() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
size() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
SZ_ENTITY_ALL_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances containing all SzFlag instances belonging to the SzFlagUsageGroup.SZ_ENTITY_FLAGS usage group.
SZ_ENTITY_BRIEF_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances representing the default flags for a "brief" level of detail when retrieving entities.
SZ_ENTITY_BRIEF_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for getting entities.
SZ_ENTITY_CORE_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances representing the flags for obtaining the typical basic entity content without any related entity content.
SZ_ENTITY_CORE_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for basic entity output.
SZ_ENTITY_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances representing the default' level of detail when retrieving entities.
SZ_ENTITY_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for getting entities.
SZ_ENTITY_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Flags in this usage group can be used for operations that retrieve entity data in order to control the level of detail of the returned entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_ALL_FEATURES - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including all features for entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_ALL_FEATURES - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including all features for entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_ALL_RELATIONS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances indicating that that entities that are returned should include all relationships regardless of the kind of relationship.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_ALL_RELATIONS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including all relations for entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_DISCLOSED_RELATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including disclosed relations for entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_DISCLOSED_RELATIONS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including disclosed relations for entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_ENTITY_NAME - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including the name of the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_ENTITY_NAME - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including the name of the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_FEATURE_STATS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including feature statistics in entity output.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_FEATURE_STATS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including feature statistics in entity output.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_INTERNAL_FEATURES - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including internal features in an entity response or record response.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_INTERNAL_FEATURES - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including internal features in entity output.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_NAME_ONLY_RELATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including name-only relations for entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_NAME_ONLY_RELATIONS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including name-only relations for entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_RELATED_RELATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including possibly-related relations for entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_RELATED_RELATIONS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including possibly-related relations for entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_SAME_RELATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including possibly-same relations for entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_SAME_RELATIONS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including possibly-same relations for entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_DATA - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including the basic record data for the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_DATA - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including the basic record data for the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_FEATURE_DETAILS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including record-level feature details in the record segment of an entity or in a record response.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_FEATURE_DETAILS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including full feature details at the record level of an entity response or in a record response.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_FEATURE_STATS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including record-level feature statistics in the record segment of an entity or in a record response.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_FEATURE_STATS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including full feature statistics at the record level of an entity response or in a record response.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_FEATURES - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including features identifiers in the records segment, referencing back to the entity features.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_FEATURES - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag to include the features identifiers at the record level, referencing the entity features.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_JSON_DATA - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including the record json data for the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_JSON_DATA - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including the record json data for the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_MATCHING_INFO - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including the record matching info for the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_MATCHING_INFO - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including the record matching info for the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_SUMMARY - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including the record summary of the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_SUMMARY - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including the record summary of the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_TYPES - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including the record types of the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_TYPES - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including the record types of the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_UNMAPPED_DATA - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including the record unmapped data for the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RECORD_UNMAPPED_DATA - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including the record unmapped data for the entity.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_ENTITY_NAME - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including the name of the related entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_ENTITY_NAME - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including the name of the related entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_MATCHING_INFO - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including the record matching info of the related entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_MATCHING_INFO - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including the record matching info of the related entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_RECORD_DATA - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including the basic record data of the related entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_RECORD_DATA - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including the basic record data of the related entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_RECORD_SUMMARY - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including the record summary of the related entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_RECORD_SUMMARY - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including the record summary of the related entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_RECORD_TYPES - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including the record types of the related entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_RELATED_RECORD_TYPES - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including the record types of the related entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_REPRESENTATIVE_FEATURES - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including representative features for entities.
SZ_ENTITY_INCLUDE_REPRESENTATIVE_FEATURES - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including representative features for entities.
SZ_EXPORT_ALL_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances containing all SzFlag instances belonging to the SzFlagUsageGroup.SZ_EXPORT_FLAGS usage group.
SZ_EXPORT_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances representing the default flags for exporting entities.
SZ_EXPORT_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for exporting entities.
SZ_EXPORT_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Flags in this usage group can be used for operations that export entities to control how the entities are qualified for inclusion in the export and the level of detail for the entities returned in the search results.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_ALL_ENTITIES - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances indicating that an export should include all entities in the export.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_ALL_ENTITIES - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include all entities.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_ALL_HAVING_RELATIONSHIPS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances indicating that an export should include all entities having a relationships of any kind.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_ALL_HAVING_RELATIONSHIPS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include all relationships.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_DISCLOSED - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for export functionality to indicate that "disclosed" relationships should be included in the export.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_DISCLOSED - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "disclosed" relationships.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_MULTI_RECORD_ENTITIES - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for export functionality to indicate "resolved" relationships (i.e.: entities with multiple records) should be included in the export.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_MULTI_RECORD_ENTITIES - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "resolved" relationships.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_NAME_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for export functionality to indicate that "name only" relationships should be included in the export.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_NAME_ONLY - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "name only" relationships.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_RELATED - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for export functionality to indicate that "possibly related" relationships should be included in the export.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_RELATED - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "possibly related" relationships.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_SAME - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for export functionality to indicate that "possibly same" relationships should be included in the export.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_SAME - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "possibly same" relationships.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_SINGLE_RECORD_ENTITIES - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for export functionality to indicate that single-record entities should be included in the export.
SZ_EXPORT_INCLUDE_SINGLE_RECORD_ENTITIES - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include singleton entities.
SZ_FIND_NETWORK_ALL_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances containing all SzFlag instances belonging to the SzFlagUsageGroup.SZ_FIND_NETWORK_FLAGS usage group.
SZ_FIND_NETWORK_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances representing the defaults for "find network" operations.
SZ_FIND_NETWORK_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for finding entity networks.
SZ_FIND_NETWORK_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Flags in this usage group can be used to control the methodology for finding an entity network, what details to include for the entity network and the level of detail for the entities in the network that are returned.
SZ_FIND_NETWORK_INCLUDE_MATCHING_INFO - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for find-network functionality to include matching info on the entity paths of the network.
SZ_FIND_NETWORK_INCLUDE_MATCHING_INFO - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for find-path functionality to include matching info on entity paths.
SZ_FIND_PATH_ALL_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances containing all SzFlag instances belonging to the SzFlagUsageGroup.SZ_FIND_PATH_FLAGS usage group.
SZ_FIND_PATH_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances representing the defaults for "find path" operations.
SZ_FIND_PATH_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for finding entity paths.
SZ_FIND_PATH_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Flags in this usage group can be used to control the methodology for finding an entity path, what details to include for the entity path and the level of detail for the entities on the path that are returned.
SZ_FIND_PATH_INCLUDE_MATCHING_INFO - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for find-path functionality to include matching info on entity paths.
SZ_FIND_PATH_INCLUDE_MATCHING_INFO - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for find-path functionality to include matching info on entity paths.
SZ_FIND_PATH_STRICT_AVOID - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for find-path functionality to indicate that avoided entities must be strictly avoided even if using an avoided entity would be the only means to find a path between two entities.
SZ_FIND_PATH_STRICT_AVOID - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for find-path functionality to indicate that avoided entities are not allowed under any circumstance -- even if they are the only means by which a path can be found between two entities.
SZ_HOW_ALL_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances containing all SzFlag instances belonging to the SzFlagUsageGroup.SZ_HOW_FLAGS usage group.
SZ_HOW_ENTITY_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances representing the defaults for "how entity" operations that analyze how an entity was formed.
SZ_HOW_ENTITY_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for how-analysis on entities.
SZ_HOW_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Flags in this usage group can be used to control the methodology for performing "how analysis", what details to include for the analysis and the level of detail for the entities in the network that are returned.
SZ_INCLUDE_FEATURE_SCORES - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including feature scores.
SZ_INCLUDE_FEATURE_SCORES - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including feature scores.
SZ_INCLUDE_MATCH_KEY_DETAILS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including match key details in addition to the standard match key.
SZ_INCLUDE_MATCH_KEY_DETAILS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including internal features.
SZ_MODIFY_ALL_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances containing all SzFlag instances belonging to the SzFlagUsageGroup.SZ_MODIFY_FLAGS usage group.
SZ_MODIFY_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Flags in this usage group can be used for operations that modify the entity repository by adding records, revaluating records or entities, deleting records or any similar operations.
SZ_NO_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
An unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances containing NO flags (an empty set).
SZ_NO_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The value representing no flags are being passed.
SZ_RECORD_ALL_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances containing all SzFlag instances belonging to the SzFlagUsageGroup.SZ_RECORD_FLAGS usage group.
SZ_RECORD_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances representing the default level of detail when retrieving records.
SZ_RECORD_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for getting records.
SZ_RECORD_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Flags in this usage group can be used for operations that retrieve record data in order to control the level of detail of the returned record.
SZ_SEARCH_ALL_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances containing all SzFlag instances belonging to the SzFlagUsageGroup.SZ_SEARCH_FLAGS usage group.
SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_ALL - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances indicating that search results should include all matching entities regardless of match level.
SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_ALL - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes, returning all matching entities.
SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances that are a good default for searching by attributes and returning basic entity data.
SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes.
SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_MINIMAL_ALL - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances indicating that search results should include all matching entities regardless of match level while returning minimal data for those matching entities.
SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_MINIMAL_ALL - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes, returning minimal data with all matches.
SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_MINIMAL_STRONG - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances indicating that search results should only include strongly matching entities while returning minimal data for those matching entities.
SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_MINIMAL_STRONG - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes, returning the minimal data, and returning only the strongest matches.
SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_STRONG - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances indicating that search results should only include strongly matching entities.
SZ_SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTES_STRONG - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for searching by attributes, returning only strongly matching entities.
SZ_SEARCH_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Flags in this usage group can be used for operations that search for entities to control how the entities are qualified for inclusion in the search results and the level of detail for the entities returned in the search results.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_ALL_CANDIDATES - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for search functionality to indicate that search results should not only include those entities that satisfy resolution rule, but also those that present on the candidate list but fail to satisfy a resolution rule.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_ALL_CANDIDATES - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that search results should not only include those entities that satisfy resolution rule, but also those that present on the candidate list but fail to satisfy a resolution rule.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_ALL_ENTITIES - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances indicating that search results should include entities that are related to the search attributes at any match level.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_ALL_ENTITIES - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include all match level results.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_NAME_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for search functionality to indicate that "name only" match level results should be included.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_NAME_ONLY - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include "name only" match level results.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_RELATED - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for search functionality to indicate that "possibly related" match level results should be included.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_RELATED - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include "possibly related" match level results.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_SAME - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for search functionality to indicate that "possibly same" match level results should be included.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_POSSIBLY_SAME - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include "possibly same" match level results.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for search functionality to indicate that the search response should include the basic feature information for the search criteria features.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_REQUEST - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that the search response should include the basic feature information for the search criteria features.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_REQUEST_DETAILS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for search functionality to indicate that the search response should include detailed feature information for search criteria features (including feature stats and generic status).
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_REQUEST_DETAILS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that the search response should include detailed feature information for search criteria features (including feature stats and generic status).
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_RESOLVED - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for search functionality to indicate that "resolved" match level results should be included.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_RESOLVED - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that we should include "resolved" match level results.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_STATS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The value for including statistics from search results.
SZ_SEARCH_INCLUDE_STATS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for including statistics from search results.
SZ_VIRTUAL_ENTITY_ALL_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances containing all SzFlag instances belonging to the SzFlagUsageGroup.SZ_VIRTUAL_ENTITY_FLAGS usage group.
SZ_VIRTUAL_ENTITY_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances representing the defaults when retrieving virtual entities.
SZ_VIRTUAL_ENTITY_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for virtual-entity-analysis on entities.
SZ_VIRTUAL_ENTITY_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Flags in this usage group can be used for operations that retrieve virtual entities in order to control the level of detail of the returned virtual entity.
SZ_WHY_ALL_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances containing all SzFlag instances belonging to the SzFlagUsageGroup.SZ_WHY_FLAGS usage group.
SZ_WHY_ENTITIES_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances representing the defaults for "why entities" operations.
SZ_WHY_ENTITIES_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for why-entities analysis on entities.
SZ_WHY_FLAGS - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Flags in this usage group can be used to control the methodology for performing "why analysis", what details to include for the analysis and the level of detail for the entities in the network that are returned.
SZ_WHY_RECORD_IN_ENTITY_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances representing the defaults for "why record in entity" operations.
SZ_WHY_RECORD_IN_ENTITY_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for why-record-in analysis on entities.
SZ_WHY_RECORDS_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The Set of SzFlag instances representing the defaults for "why records" operations.
SZ_WHY_RECORDS_DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The default recommended bitwise flag values for why-records analysis on entities.
SZ_WITH_INFO - Enum constant in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
Indicates that the Senzing engine should produce and return the INFO document describing the affected entities from an operation.
SZ_WITH_INFO - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag for indicating that the Senzing engine should produce and return the INFO document describing the affected entities from an operation that modifies record data in the repository.
SZ_WITH_INFO_FLAGS - Static variable in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
The unmodifiable Set of SzFlag instances containing the SzFlag instances to use when a repository-modifying operation is being invoked and the desired repsonse should contain an "INFO" message describing how the repository was affected as a result of the operation.
SZ_WITH_INFO_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlags
The bitwise flag to use when a repository-modifying operation is being invoked and the desired repsonse should contain an "INFO" message describing how the repository was affected as a result of the operation.
SzBadInputException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Defines an exceptional condition when an invalid input value is provided to a Senzing operation preventing the successful completion of that operation.
SzBadInputException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzBadInputException
Default constructor.
SzBadInputException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzBadInputException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzBadInputException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzBadInputException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzBadInputException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzBadInputException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzBadInputException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzBadInputException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzBadInputException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzBadInputException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzConfig - Interface in com.senzing.sdk
Defines the Java interface to the Senzing configuration functions.
SzConfigManager - Interface in com.senzing.sdk
Defines the Java interface to the Senzing configuration management functions.
SzConfigurationException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Defines an exceptional condition when a failure has occurred pertaining to the Senzing configuration.
SzConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzConfigurationException
Default constructor.
SzConfigurationException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzConfigurationException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzConfigurationException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzConfigurationException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzConfigurationException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzConfigurationException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzConfigurationException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzCoreEnvironment - Class in com.senzing.sdk.core
Provides the core implementation of SzEnvironment that directly initializes the Senzing SDK modules and provides management of the Senzing environment in this process.
SzCoreEnvironment.Builder - Class in com.senzing.sdk.core
The builder class for creating an instance of SzCoreEnvironment.
SzDatabaseConnectionLostException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Extends SzRetryableException to define an exceptional condition where a database connection was lost causing a Senzing operation to fail.
SzDatabaseConnectionLostException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzDatabaseConnectionLostException
Default constructor.
SzDatabaseConnectionLostException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzDatabaseConnectionLostException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzDatabaseConnectionLostException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzDatabaseConnectionLostException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzDatabaseConnectionLostException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzDatabaseConnectionLostException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzDatabaseConnectionLostException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzDatabaseConnectionLostException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzDatabaseConnectionLostException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzDatabaseConnectionLostException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzDatabaseException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Extends SzUnrecoverableException to define an exceptional condition triggered by a database error from which we cannot recover (e.g.: missing or unexpected schema definition).
SzDatabaseException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzDatabaseException
Default constructor.
SzDatabaseException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzDatabaseException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzDatabaseException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzDatabaseException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzDatabaseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzDatabaseException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzDatabaseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzDatabaseException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzDatabaseException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzDatabaseException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzDiagnostic - Interface in com.senzing.sdk
Defines the Java interface to the Senzing diagnostic functions.
SzEngine - Interface in com.senzing.sdk
Defines the Java interface to the Senzing engine functions.
SzEntityIds - Class in com.senzing.sdk
Provides an unmodifiable runtime-typed Set whose elements are strictly non-null instances of Long entity ID's.
SzEntityIds() - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an empty instance with no elements.
SzEntityIds(long...) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with a variable-argument array of long entity ID instances.
SzEntityIds(Long) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly one entity ID.
SzEntityIds(Long...) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with a variable-argument array of Long entity ID instances.
SzEntityIds(Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly two entity ID's.
SzEntityIds(Long, Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly three entity ID's.
SzEntityIds(Long, Long, Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly four entity ID instances.
SzEntityIds(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly five entity ID instances.
SzEntityIds(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly six entity ID instances.
SzEntityIds(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly seven entity ID instances.
SzEntityIds(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly eight entity ID instances.
SzEntityIds(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly nine entity ID instances.
SzEntityIds(Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs an instance with exactly ten entity ID instances.
SzEntityIds(Collection<Long>) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
Constructs with the specified Collection of non-null Long entity ID instances.
SzEntityIds.Builder - Class in com.senzing.sdk
Provides a builder class for creating instances of SzEntityIds.
SzEnvironment - Interface in com.senzing.sdk
Provides a factory interface for obtaining the references to the Senzing SDK singleton instances that have been initialized.
SzException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Defines the base exception for Senzing errors.
SzException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzException
Default constructor.
SzException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzFlag - Enum Class in com.senzing.sdk
Enumerates the Senzing flag values from SzFlags so they can be referred to as objects, used in EnumSet instances and coverted to sensible String's with symbolic names and hexadecimal values.
SzFlags - Class in com.senzing.sdk
Enumerates all the flags used by the Senzing SDK.
SzFlagUsageGroup - Enum Class in com.senzing.sdk
Enumerates the various classifications of usage groups for the SzFlag instances.
SzLicenseException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Extends SzUnrecoverableException to define an exceptional condition triggered by an invalid, expired or exhausted Senzing license.
SzLicenseException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzLicenseException
Default constructor.
SzLicenseException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzLicenseException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzLicenseException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzLicenseException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzLicenseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzLicenseException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzLicenseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzLicenseException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzLicenseException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzLicenseException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzNotFoundException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Extends SzBadInputException to define an exceptional condition where the provided bad input to a Senzing operation is an identifier that could not be used to successfully locate required data for that operation.
SzNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzNotFoundException
Default constructor.
SzNotFoundException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzNotFoundException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzNotFoundException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzNotFoundException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzNotFoundException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzNotFoundException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzNotFoundException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzNotInitializedException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Extends SzUnrecoverableException to define an exceptional condition triggered by Senzing not being initialized.
SzNotInitializedException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzNotInitializedException
Default constructor.
SzNotInitializedException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzNotInitializedException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzNotInitializedException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzNotInitializedException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzNotInitializedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzNotInitializedException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzNotInitializedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzNotInitializedException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzNotInitializedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzNotInitializedException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzProduct - Interface in com.senzing.sdk
Defines the Java interface to the Senzing product functions.
SzRecordKey - Record Class in com.senzing.sdk
Desribes a key for identifying a record as Java record class containing a data source code and record ID.
SzRecordKey(String, String) - Constructor for record class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKey
Constructs with the specified data source code and record ID.
SzRecordKeys - Class in com.senzing.sdk
Provides an unmodifiable runtime-typed Set whose elements are strictly non-null instances of SzRecordKey.
SzRecordKeys() - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an empty instance with no SzRecordKey elements.
SzRecordKeys(SzRecordKey) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly one SzRecordKey.
SzRecordKeys(SzRecordKey...) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with a variable-argument array of SzRecordKey instances.
SzRecordKeys(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly two SzRecordKey instances.
SzRecordKeys(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly three SzRecordKey instances.
SzRecordKeys(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly four SzRecordKey instances.
SzRecordKeys(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly five SzRecordKey instances.
SzRecordKeys(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly six SzRecordKey instances.
SzRecordKeys(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly seven SzRecordKey instances.
SzRecordKeys(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly eight SzRecordKey instances.
SzRecordKeys(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly nine SzRecordKey instances.
SzRecordKeys(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly ten SzRecordKey instances.
SzRecordKeys(String...) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with a variable-argument array of String instances with an even-number length representing pairs of data source codes and record ID's for the SzRecordKey instances for this instance.
SzRecordKeys(String, String) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly one SzRecordKey using the specified data source code and record ID.
SzRecordKeys(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly two SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
SzRecordKeys(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly three SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
SzRecordKeys(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly four SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
SzRecordKeys(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly five SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
SzRecordKeys(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly six SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
SzRecordKeys(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly seven SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
SzRecordKeys(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly eight SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
SzRecordKeys(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly nine SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
SzRecordKeys(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs an instance with exactly ten SzRecordKey instances using the specified pairs of data source codes and record ID's.
SzRecordKeys(Collection<SzRecordKey>) - Constructor for class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
Constructs with the specified Collection of non-null SzRecordKey instanes.
SzRecordKeys.Builder - Class in com.senzing.sdk
Provides a builder class for creating instances of SzRecordKeys.
SzReplaceConflictException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Describes an exceptional condition when an attempt is made to replace a Senzing value with a new value providing it has not not already been changed, however, the current value is no longer the expected value and has therefore already been changed.
SzReplaceConflictException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzReplaceConflictException
Default constructor.
SzReplaceConflictException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzReplaceConflictException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzReplaceConflictException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzReplaceConflictException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzReplaceConflictException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzReplaceConflictException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzReplaceConflictException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzReplaceConflictException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzReplaceConflictException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzReplaceConflictException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzRetryableException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Defines an exceptional condition where the failure is an intermittent condition and the operation may be retried with the same parameters with an expectation of success.
SzRetryableException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzRetryableException
Default constructor.
SzRetryableException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzRetryableException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzRetryableException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzRetryableException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzRetryableException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzRetryableException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzRetryableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzRetryableException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzRetryableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzRetryableException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzRetryTimeoutExceededException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Extends SzRetryableException to define an exceptional condition where an operation failed because a timeout was exceeded.
SzRetryTimeoutExceededException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzRetryTimeoutExceededException
Default constructor.
SzRetryTimeoutExceededException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzRetryTimeoutExceededException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzRetryTimeoutExceededException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzRetryTimeoutExceededException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzRetryTimeoutExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzRetryTimeoutExceededException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzRetryTimeoutExceededException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzRetryTimeoutExceededException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzRetryTimeoutExceededException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzRetryTimeoutExceededException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzUnhandledException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Extends SzUnrecoverableException to define an exceptional condition caused by an otherwise unhandled and unexpected failure in the Senzing SDK.
SzUnhandledException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnhandledException
Default constructor.
SzUnhandledException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnhandledException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzUnhandledException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnhandledException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzUnhandledException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnhandledException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzUnhandledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnhandledException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzUnhandledException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnhandledException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzUnknownDataSourceException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Extends SzBadInputException to define an exceptional condition where a specified data source code is not confifgured in the current active configuration and therefore the data source could not be found.
SzUnknownDataSourceException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnknownDataSourceException
Default constructor.
SzUnknownDataSourceException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnknownDataSourceException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzUnknownDataSourceException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnknownDataSourceException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzUnknownDataSourceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnknownDataSourceException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzUnknownDataSourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnknownDataSourceException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzUnknownDataSourceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnknownDataSourceException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzUnrecoverableException - Exception in com.senzing.sdk
Defines an exceptional condition where the failure is not recoverable and all operations should be stopped until the system can be modified to resolve the condition causing the failure.
SzUnrecoverableException() - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnrecoverableException
Default constructor.
SzUnrecoverableException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnrecoverableException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzUnrecoverableException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnrecoverableException
Constructs with the Senzing error code, the message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzUnrecoverableException(String) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnrecoverableException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception.
SzUnrecoverableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnrecoverableException
Constructs with a message explaing the reason for the exception and the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.
SzUnrecoverableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.senzing.sdk.SzUnrecoverableException
Constructs with the Throwable that is the underlying cause for the exception.


toLong() - Method in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
Converts this instance to its 64-bit long integer equivalent representing the bitwise flags.
toLong(Set<SzFlag>) - Static method in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
Converts the specified EnumSet to its 64-bit long integer equivalent representing the bitwise flags.
toString() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzEntityIds
toString() - Method in record class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKey
Returns a brief String representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.SzRecordKeys
toString(long) - Method in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Formats the String representation of the specified long flags value according to the SzFlag instances included for this SzFlagUsageGroup.
toString(Set<SzFlag>) - Static method in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
Returns the String representation describing the SzFlag instances in the specified Set.


union(Set<SzFlag>, Set<SzFlag>) - Static method in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
Creates a new EnumSet of SzFlag instances that represents the union between the two specified sets of SzFlag instances.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.senzing.sdk.SzFlagUsageGroup
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
verboseLogging(boolean) - Method in class com.senzing.sdk.core.SzCoreEnvironment.Builder
Sets the verbose logging flag for configuring the SzCoreEnvironment.


whyEntities(long, long, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Determines the ways in which two entities identified by the specified entity ID's are related to each other.
whyRecordInEntity(SzRecordKey, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Determines why the record identified by the data source code and record ID in the specified in an SzRecordKey is included in its respective entity.
whyRecords(SzRecordKey, SzRecordKey, Set<SzFlag>) - Method in interface com.senzing.sdk.SzEngine
Determines ways in which two records identified by the data source code and record ID pairs from the specified SzRecordKey instances are related to each other.
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