Interface SzConfigManager

public interface SzConfigManager
Defines the Java interface to the Senzing configuration management functions.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addConfig(String configDefinition, String configComment)
    Adds the configuration described by the specified JSON to the repository with the specified comment and returns the identifier for referencing the the config in the entity repository.
    getConfig(long configId)
    Gets the configuration with the specified config ID and returns the configuration defintion as a String.
    Gets the list of saved configuration ID's with their comments and timestamps and return the JSON String describing them.
    Gets the configuration ID of the default configuration for the repository and returns it.
    replaceDefaultConfigId(long currentDefaultConfigId, long newDefaultConfigId)
    Replaces the current configuration ID of the repository with the specified new configuration ID providing the current configuration ID of the repository is equal to the specified old configuration ID.
    setDefaultConfigId(long configId)
    Sets the default configuration for the repository to the specified configuration ID.
  • Method Details

    • addConfig

      long addConfig(String configDefinition, String configComment) throws SzException
      Adds the configuration described by the specified JSON to the repository with the specified comment and returns the identifier for referencing the the config in the entity repository.
      configDefinition - The JSON text describing the configuration.
      configComment - The comments for the configuration.
      The identifier for referncing the config in the entity repository.
      SzException - If a failure occurs.
    • getConfig

      String getConfig(long configId) throws SzException
      Gets the configuration with the specified config ID and returns the configuration defintion as a String.
      configId - The configuration ID of the configuration to retrieve.
      The configuration definition as a String.
      SzException - If a failure occurs.
    • getConfigs

      String getConfigs() throws SzException
      Gets the list of saved configuration ID's with their comments and timestamps and return the JSON String describing them. An example format for the response is:
         "CONFIGS": [
              "CONFIG_ID": 12345678912345,
              "SYS_CREATE_DT": "2021-03-25 18:35:00.743",
              "CONFIG_COMMENTS": "Added EMPLOYEES data source."
              "CONFIG_ID": 23456789123456,
              "SYS_CREATE_DT": "2021-02-08 23:27:09.876",
              "CONFIG_COMMENTS": "Added CUSTOMERS data source."
              "CONFIG_ID": 34567891234567,
              "SYS_CREATE_DT": "2021-02-08 23:27:05.212",
              "CONFIG_COMMENTS": "Initial Config"
           . . .
      The JSON String describing the configurations registered in the entity repository with their identifiers, timestamps and comments.
      SzException - If a failure occurs.
    • getDefaultConfigId

      long getDefaultConfigId() throws SzException
      Gets the configuration ID of the default configuration for the repository and returns it. If the entity repository is in the initial state and the default configuration ID has not yet been set, then zero (0) is returned.
      The current default cofiguration ID in the repository, or zero (0) if the entity repository is in the initial state with no default configuration ID having yet been set.
      SzException - If a failure occurs.
    • replaceDefaultConfigId

      void replaceDefaultConfigId(long currentDefaultConfigId, long newDefaultConfigId) throws SzReplaceConflictException, SzException
      Replaces the current configuration ID of the repository with the specified new configuration ID providing the current configuration ID of the repository is equal to the specified old configuration ID. If the current configuration ID is not the same as the specified old configuration ID then this method fails to replace the default configuration ID with the new value and an SzReplaceConflictException is thrown.
      currentDefaultConfigId - The configuration ID that is believed to be the current default configuration ID.
      newDefaultConfigId - The new configuration ID for the repository.
      SzReplaceConflictException - If the default configuration ID was not updated to the specified new value because the current default configuration ID found in the repository was not equal to the specified expected current default configuration ID value.
      SzException - If a failure occurs.
    • setDefaultConfigId

      void setDefaultConfigId(long configId) throws SzException
      Sets the default configuration for the repository to the specified configuration ID.
      configId - The configuration ID to set as the default configuration.
      SzException - If a failure occurs.