Enum SzFlag
Enumerates the Senzing flag values so they can be referred to as bitwise enumerated flags.
public enum SzFlag : long
- Extension Methods
SzEntityIncludeAllFeatures = 1024
The bitwise flag for including all features for entities.
SzEntityIncludeDisclosedRelations = 512
The bitwise flag for including disclosed relations for entities.
SzEntityIncludeEntityName = 4096
The bitwise flag for including the name of the entity.
SzEntityIncludeFeatureStats = 16777216
The bitwise flag for including feature statistics in entity responses.
SzEntityIncludeInternalFeatures = 8388608
The bitwise flag for including internal features in an entity response or record response.
SzEntityIncludeNameOnlyRelations = 256
The bitwise flag for including name-only relations for entities.
SzEntityIncludePossiblyRelatedRelations = 128
The bitwise flag for including possibly-related relations for entities.
SzEntityIncludePossiblySameRelations = 64
The bitwise flag for including possibly-same relations for entities.
SzEntityIncludeRecordData = 16384
The bitwise flag for including the basic record data for the entity.
SzEntityIncludeRecordFeatureDetails = 34359738368
The bitwise flag for including full feature details at the record level of an entity response or in a record response.
SzEntityIncludeRecordFeatureStats = 68719476736
The bitwise flag for including full feature statistics at the record level of an entity response or in a record response.
SzEntityIncludeRecordFeatures = 262144
The bitwise flag to include the features identifiers at the record level, referencing the entity features.
SzEntityIncludeRecordJsonData = 65536
The bitwise flag for including the record json data for the entity or record.
SzEntityIncludeRecordMatchingInfo = 32768
The bitwise flag for including the record matching info for the entity or record.
SzEntityIncludeRecordSummary = 8192
The bitwise flag for including the record summary of the entity.
SzEntityIncludeRecordTypes = 268435456
The bitwise flag for including the record types of the entity or record.
SzEntityIncludeRecordUnmappedData = 2147483648
The bitwise flag for including the record unmapped data for the entity or record.
SzEntityIncludeRelatedEntityName = 524288
The bitwise flag for including the name of the related entities.
SzEntityIncludeRelatedMatchingInfo = 1048576
The bitwise flag for including the record matching info of the related entities.
SzEntityIncludeRelatedRecordData = 4194304
The bitwise flag for including the basic record data of the related entities.
SzEntityIncludeRelatedRecordSummary = 2097152
The bitwise flag for including the record summary of the related entities.
SzEntityIncludeRelatedRecordTypes = 536870912
The bitwise flag for including the record types of the related entities.
SzEntityIncludeRepresentativeFeatures = 2048
The bitwise flag for including representative features for entities.
SzExportIncludeDisclosed = 16
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that we should include "disclosed" relationships.
SzExportIncludeMultiRecordEntities = 1
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate "resolved" relationships (i.e.: entities with multiple records) should be included in the export.
SzExportIncludeNameOnly = 8
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that "name only" relationships should be included in the export.
SzExportIncludePossiblyRelated = 4
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that "possibly related" relationships should be included in the export.
SzExportIncludePossiblySame = 2
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that "possibly same" relationships should be included in the export.
SzExportIncludeSingleRecordEntities = 32
The bitwise flag for export functionality to indicate that single-record entities should be included in the export.
SzFindNetworkIncludeMatchingInfo = 8589934592
The bitwise flag for find-network functionality to include matching info on entity paths of the network.
SzFindPathIncludeMatchingInfo = 1073741824
The bitwise flag for find-path functionality to include matching info on entity paths.
SzFindPathStrictAvoid = 33554432
The bitwise flag for find-path functionality to indicate that avoided entities are not allowed under any circumstance -- even if they are the only means by which a path can be found between two entities.
SzIncludeFeatureScores = 67108864
The bitwise flag for including feature scores.
SzIncludeMatchKeyDetails = 17179869184
The bitwise flag for including match key details in addition to the standard match key.
SzSearchIncludeAllCandidates = 4294967296
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that search results should not only include those entities that satisfy resolution rule, but also those that present on the candidate list but fail to satisfy a resolution rule.
SzSearchIncludeNameOnly = 8
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that "name only" match level results should be included.
SzSearchIncludePossiblyRelated = 4
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that "possibly related" match level results should be included.
SzSearchIncludePossiblySame = 2
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that "possibly same" match level results should be included.
SzSearchIncludeRequest = 137438953472
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that the search response should include the basic feature information for the search criteria features.
SzSearchIncludeRequestDetails = 274877906944
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that the search response should include detailed feature information for search criteria features (including feature stats and generic status).
SzSearchIncludeResolved = 1
The bitwise flag for search functionality to indicate that "resolved" match level results should be included.
SzSearchIncludeStats = 134217728
The bitwise flag for including statistics from search results.
SzWithInfo = 4611686018427387904
The bitwise flag that indicates that the Senzing engine should produce and return the INFO document describing the affected entities from an operation.
Each SzFlag
belongs to one or more SzFlagUsageGroup
instances which can be obtained via the GetGroups(string)
extension method. This helps in identifying which flags are applicable
to which functions since a function will document which
SzFlagUsageGroup to refer to for applicable flags.
Passing an SzFlag
to a function to which it does not apply will
either have no effect or activate an applicable SzFlag
that happens to have the same bitwise value as the non-applicable